The omicron variant is one of the latest variants of Covid-19, the gift that just keeps on giving. While it is not as severe, it is much more contagious. So much more contagious, the death-toll will still remain high. I'm hopeful this will start to wind down by spring '22. But I'm only an English Major, not a doctor. Get your medical information from your doctor or maybe here. I like learning the science of the virus but there are far better articles, blogs and news sites for learning that. For this blog, I'm interested in all the social change that will come about as a result of Covid-19 and friends (variants). There are many and there will be more.
Those who are able to work from home will mostly continue to do so after this is over. Why will business continue to pay for large, empty glass towers? The micromanagers of the world will want people back in the office. I can see a mix of going in a few days a week with being at home the rest of the time. The name of the game will be flexibility. People are tired of being treated as disposable robots. We see this in the great resignation. Companies that treated their employees well are faring better. Employees are starting to reassert their power. It is not just money. People want better benefits, more flexibility and a pleasant work culture. Companies that fail to recognize these changes will be at a competitive disadvantage. The longer the pandemic goes on, the more companies will require employees to get vaccinated. The longer illness times and death rates tell a truth all their own. Healthcare will be changed forever.
Massive burnout, overload and costs flying ever-upward will accelerate the demise of our healthcare system. I think we are witnessing in real time it's collapse. What will the bottom look like? Massive staffing shortages will lead to more errors, unnecessary deaths (stuff unrelated to covid) and longer and longer wait times. E-visits are here to stay but cannot possibly substitute for in person exams or emergencies. Hopefully, there will be massive reforms soon. And we, the end users, need to change as well. We need to take responsibility for our own health. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity all feed off of each other (ask your local paramedic to explain a human train wreck) and are too often a result of poor choices we make. Smoking, drinking and tasty junk food are enjoyable but come with a high cost to our bodies. Now that's getting into a whole different area beyond the scope of this blog and small post. Healthcare is a two way street. There are political concerns as well.
It is no secret Republicans are dying of covid in much larger numbers than Democrats. Trump and company have created a monster they can no longer control. In close elections, yes, this will be the difference. They now know this. Hence, Trump pushing vaccines and getting booed. Being the party of anti-science, anti-common defense and anti any measure to combat covid will have a price. Will it be high enough to cause a change? We cannot tell yet. If the Democrats think, "Orange man and party bad" will keep them in power they too may in for a rude awakening. Inflation is up, people are tired of covid and our government seems incapable of making needed reforms and changes to help better people's lives. Right or wrong, people vote on how they feel. If the Democrats want to help save our democracy (the little that's left of it) and stay in power, they need to cancel student debit (reform how we pay for higher education as well), get a second infrastructure bill passed and for the LOVE OF GOD, protect voting rights. But Democrats being Democrats, I won't hold my breath. Biden seems okay but he's not bold. We need bold in these uncertain times. And if the strong man offers bold?? It may not end well.
Last, there are what Rumsfeld called the unknown unknowns. 2022 and beyond will be a time of black swans, new dangers and rapid change. It will also be a time of opportunity, creativity and stunning advances in science. One thing is 100% certain, it will not be a boring time to be alive! Let's make good decisions with a longterm, bright future as the goal.
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