Upeople - the forgotten, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, the invisible and the broken. A humble voice trying to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
A Hard Look Forward
This is not a happy, feel-good post full of hope or possible answers. Here, we will take a peak into the coming dark age we are all facing. It is not just global warming we are facing. There's more trouble ahead, a lot more. We know about human caused climate change already. There are at least three more threats we need to add to the list. Our dying oceans. The insect die off. The current mass extinction event.
The oceans face several big problems; acidification, warming that leads to current changes, over fishing and pollution. A more acidic ocean means more dying coral and shell based sea life which affects food chains the world over. Yes, it is related to a warming earth. The ocean currents are changing as well, they are slowing. This will change weather patterns, location of fish populations and sea level rise. And then you can add overfishing and pollution. We know about the huge problem of plastic waste but let's not forget oil seepage, farm chemical runoff, industrial waste and even noise pollution. Sound travels far underwater and plays havoc with animals that use sonar. Oh, and let's give a special shout-out to those fun looking cruise ships! But wait, there's more!
The insects are dying off. We kind of need them. They pollinate plants, enrich the soil and are the basis of countless food chains. It's difficult ti imagine a world without bugs or a very few dominant species who cannot replicate the roles diverse insect populations now play. There are a number of human-made causes for this. Farm fertilizers, industrial chemicals, pollution and ongoing habitat destruction all play roles in declining bug populations. We easily forget sitting in from the elements comfortably in our homes, we are still a part on a much larger natural system on which we completely depend. Without pollinating insects, the food chain on which we depend disappears. Good luck with that! Oh, and one more thing (for this post anyway).
We are in a mass extinction event. It is not a natural cycle. It is us. We are rapidly destroying the natural world with overpopulation, habitat destruction, pollution, human caused climate change and my favorite- overconsumption. Our lives of privilege, security and ease hide the real dangers right in front of us. Few have ever been to a place where they are not the highest on the food chain. We separate ourselves from the natural world. Our idea of a food chain is a drive thru, the grocery store and now even the internet. Completely cut off from nature in our homes, work places and cars rapidly shrinking biodiversity seems far away from our day to day lives. The impacts are here and now depending on where you live in the world. Trapped in our twin illusions of limitless growth and continuous progress, we cannot see the rapidly approaching cliffs ahead. So...?
I love our mythological, space exploring future as much as anyone. Hell, I even write science-fiction! It could happen but understand the future we get may be very, very different from the one we want. Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Once capitalism recognizes the depth of danger, it will be far too late. With all the well known dangers above, the best we get are international conferences full of half measures and lots of blah, blah, blah. In other words, the people running this shit show haven't even began to see the slow motion armageddon unfolding in real time, much less starting to do anything of substance about it.
I don't mean to screw up your day, just help create awareness of the massive challenges ahead. It is too easy for us here in the USA to see those being affected by climate change and these three unfolding disasters today as a problem far removed from our pay check to pay check existence and daily routines. Any hope of solving these problems depends on open and honest understanding and moving well beyond the blame game. Keep your humanity moving forward friends... There will be no easy / pain free fixes.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Thought Flash...
So I was listening to Van Jones and Andrew Yang on Forward with Andrew Yang. Van said something like Democrats now find themselves having to defend our government institutions from Republican attack. Only problem most government institutions are despised. I'm paraphrasing here not taking a direct quote. I think I'd generally agree. That does not bode well for the Democrats in 2022, 2024 and beyond.
Will the spending bill kick in in time? Will inflation slow a little next year? Where will we be as a country in a year? Covid? A black-swan event? There are too many variables / moving parts to write off the Democrats at this time. All the polls, talking TV heads and so-called experts are doing little more than trying to generate views and clicks at this point. Van and Andrew talked about a bunch of other stuff as well. I'm not trying to poo poo the podcast. I think it's good over all.
I will say this, if the Democrats fail to protect voting rights we will become a true one party state. That will not end well for anyone. One party states don't play well together, mix in some nukes and you get the idea.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
A Few Notes on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving may be the best holiday on the US calendar; no gifting expectations, no need to add to your debit level and for many a few days off work. I have never participated in the Black Friday madness and I would urge you to pass as well. We give thanks for what we have and then turn right around and buy more, only in the USA! Don't let others define Thanksgiving for you. Instead make it your own. No or little family around, find a few friends in a similar situation and cook out or go for Chinese food! Alone? Cook something tasty watch some football or a movie and make it a relaxing day. The huge meals with lots of family and friends are cool most of the time (just don't let it stress you out). Take a day to set aside differences, heal old hurts and reconnect when possible. Some of my most memorable Thanksgivings were the unusual ones. You?
Many years ago brother Dave ran in a marathon in Atlanta on Thanksgiving Day. We went down the day before and spent the night in a hotel. He ran the race in the morning, came back to the hotel, took a short nap and then drove most of the five hours home. There were no restaurants open for a proper meal. It was even a challenge to just find gas but we did. A soft drink, nabs and a candy bar morphed into the Thanksgiving meal. I was just glad to be on the road with Dave and Dad. It was a good trip. Then, there was the more recent year my wife, Thu, got a great deal on three (or was it four??) turkeys. Chest freezers are a good thing indeed! She baked the first one with a little help from YouTube. The others she baked over time as needed. We ate turkey off and on until the following spring. So... what is there to be thankful for in these times?
Well, to start with, the sun came up today. And we are here to greet it! Appreciation of the small things is a good place to start. If you're reading this, there is a good chance you hav a roof over your head. I appreciate you taking a few minutes to read this! Be thankful you have made it this far in life. Getting older does not suck, it's a privilege that not everyone gets. Nobody said it was going to be easy. Along with the sunrise, we have another opportunity to try and make the world just a little better. Those are a few general things. Here are a few things I'm thankful for in no particular order.
I'm thankful for family and friends of course. I'm personally thankful for the ADA; ramps up curbs, wide enough isles in stores, elevators most everywhere I need one and travel. I've always found help getting around airports when I've needed it, even internationally. I'm glad knowing help is a 911 call away. Thank you EMS, Fire and Police Departments. I think they should all be paid better! I'm happy I have access to and know how to use technology; safer cars, computers and a more comfortable home. Those are a few things, there are more. It's nice to have a holiday built around a meal with family and or friends.
** Covid is still lurking out there, be smart!! **
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Religious Freedom
Now. here's a topic that can make everyone mad! That's not the goal.
In recent times, religious freedom has come to mean "I have the religious freedom to impose my religion on my employees and or customers." No birth control coverage for people working in Catholic charities, remember? "I'm not gonna make a wedding cake for a gay couple." Now, for a select few, it means I don't have to get a vaccine to protect myself or community because vaccines are against my religion. These are the same people crying religious persecution as synagogs are defaced with nazi symbols, mosques are vandalized and African-American churches are burned to the ground. The freedom to hate seems to be a longe running theme also. Hatred of other religions, other nationalities / races, nonbelievers and anyone in the LGBQ community are common among nationalistic, conservative christians. It is a form of dehumanization. It is very dangerous and not what our country is about.
The people who started this circus known as the United States of America knew the perils of mixing government and religion. They decided that the government here should stay out of the religion business all together. It's there in the Bill of Rights for all to see. Here's a little from the ACLU. The church / state wall held strong until Nixon's Southern Strategy. We have been on a path towards a one party ruled state dominated by huge corporate interests along with Christian Nationalist types ever since. Trump came close but proved too inept to pull it off. Don't worry, he will not be the last to try. I think this is our biggest threat after climate change induced collapse. A dictator type here will have the power to destroy the entire world many times over. All that stands between us and this disturbing view of the future is a weak Joe Biden, a Democratic Party ran by so-called centrists and you and me. Forgive me, but I have little faith in the first two. That leaves us. Let me give you my take on religious freedom. Try not to let the fact that I'm a practicing agnostic fuck you up. Hear me out.
The government should not be involved in promoting one religion over another, much less establishing some kind of official state religion. I don't know about you but countries that do have an official state religion are not too high on my places to visit list. Cutting off limbs, heads and female genital mutilation have no place in a modern free state, nor does witch burning, executing gays or Atheists. Living here, I've been fortunate to welcome and learn from Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and other lesser known religious people here in my own home. None had to worry about a police (or other force) knocking on the door. It is one of the most magical things about living here in the USA. We can take our own path to the spiritual life or not.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
We recently talked about capitalism vs. climate change and income inequality. I think these two issues are related at least as far as justice is concerned. It is poor people who always take the brunt of the suffering. Well off people are in a better position to move, build and secure safe housing. They also have better food security. Thinking this will always be the case is being short-sighted on their part. It depends on just how warm we get and how fast. Time is not on humanity's side. Today we are experiencing the effects of a warming planet, not in ten or twenty years. It is here. There are solutions. People like short-term and black and white answers, good vs. evil, Democrat vs. Republican and right vs. wrong. If you have lived past ten years, you learn that life is rarely so clear. Huge problems are often decades in the making and solutions take time. We are going to need patience, hard work and a willingness to change.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Income Inequality
Who likes math? The federal minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour since July 2009. Basic math tells us 7.25 X 40 (week) = 290, 290 X 4 (month) = 1,160 and 1,160 X 12 = 13,920 (year) and 290 (week) X 52 weeks = 15,080. I don't know of any minimum wage jobs that are going to work a full forty week every week. Do you? Those are some god-awful depressing numbers here in 2021 (especially given rising inflation). Wages higher than minimum have been flatlined from the 1970's. The economy has grown quite a lot but not so for wages. So where's all that money going? It is going to those at the top of course. We would be wise to remember corporations are legally bound to do everything possible to maximize profits for shareholders. It is their job to keep wages as low as possible. By doing so, they just pass the bills onto the taxpayers.
People not making a living wage turn to Uncle Sam (and the state) for essentials like food, housing help and healthcare. That's great for retail giants, large fast food outlets and other so-called low skill employers.In addition to low pay, many of these jobs are part time with no benefits, seasonal (Christmas season?) and or unstable. Once again, we can clearly see where some of capitalism''s blind spots are; cars, housing and healthcare.
Cars are almost a necessity here in the US. Far too many cities have inadequate public transportation and most rural area have none at all. You got to get to work somehow. Average new car prices have skyrocketed. Fewer and fewer people can afford that nice new F-150, Mustang GT or spacious SUV. Now, cars costing in the mid twenty thousand dollar range are considered cheap! Banks are doing their part by offering longer and longer term auto loans. Low wages coupled with job insecurity means this to sooner or later will blow up (along with student loans). More debit, just what Americans need! Even sad beater cars are expensive. Need a place to stay?
Housing? Getting further and further out of reach by the day. As of this writing in late 2021, we find ourselves in an expanding housing bubble (or the cost rising forever and ever). That leaves renting which is also getting more expensive by the day. What happens when too many people cannot afford a place to live? Gated communities will sit in vast swaths of urban or rural wasteland. Food deserts will swallow entire states. And what becomes of the millions and millions of guns laying around? You do not have to be professional sociologist to know this (if left unchecked) ends in a really big violent mess. Might need some healthcare.
Healthcare? Leaving wage earners behind choking on bad air, low quality food and addicted to opioids (dying in the thousands). Making money is the main purpose of US healthcare and if someone gets better, that's nice. Our sad response to Covid-19 exposed the weaknesses within our "for profit" system. The anti-science is a whole other problem someone could base an entire blog on. Health insurance is mostly through employment and good luck with that if you are low wage and or part time. Gig worker, better get on healthcare.gov. Healthcare CEO pay is not a problem! These people are NOT worth tens of millions of dollars but they get it.
These are just three areas where our economy is on a suicidal path and I'm sure you can rattle off three or four more. Our economy is not on a path for long term sustainability or even growth, rather it is braking down. Creative destruction can be good (just how much destruction will it take?). It is never too late to start moving in a different direction. What can that look like? That's for next time.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Unlikely Ally?
Businesses, big and small, need freedom to flourish. Hold on, I'm not making a Republican talking point here. They need to be transparent for investors to make good decisions about how to invest. Opaque books should be a big red flag. They need to be free to adjust to changing markets, create better products and know everyone is playing by the same rules. There also must be transparent and fair contract enforcement. This will be impossible under Republican/ Neo-facist rule.
A Trump or Trump protégé will be the one to pick winners and losers. Competition will no longer be the driving force in the business world. It will devolve into who can brown-nose the ruling party the best. What little powers the SEC has now will be stripped away and replaced by favor of the one ruling party. Without openness, the whole game falls apart. We wind up looking like Putin's Russia or worse yet, Kim's North Korea.
Yes, I'm sure Amazon, Apple, Blackrock and Tesla would do just fine in such a world. They could ride it out bowing to the will of the big man or woman. These would melt into one with the new government and keep chugging right along. But all things end. The end of this marriage would be horrific for humanity. So my question is do enough business types know this? Will they join with the Democratic Party long enough for the sweet, seductive high of Neo-facist / christian nationalist feelings wear off in today's Republican Party? We don't want one party rule via the Democrats either. One party rule is still one party rule.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
The Coming Climate Catastrophes- Capitalism's Greatest Failure
We have known for at least forty or fifty years humans are causing the Earth to warm and the effects will be catastrophic. Well, here we are; climate change war, crazy weather / fires and islands already disappearing. The poles are melting. The Earth is warming more now than in tens of millions of years. We know this is happening but cannot seem to do much more than sound alarm bells in deaf ears, listen to politicians say they want to do something (with no follow through) and make half-assed agreements. Why? Global Capitalism.
The Earth says there are limits. Capitalism says no, only unlimited growth. I don't see how these two things can coexist. One way or another, capitalism is going to lose. There are indeed limits and we will have to learn how to live within our means. Different economic systems(s) will develop as we run headlong into reality. No, this does not necessarily mean socialism or communism. I think it will be something new. Capitalism (as we practice it) is blind to anything beyond this quarter's bottom line. There is little to no short-term profit in long term planning or thinking. To placate people, a whole new industry has popped up- pretend environmentalism, Greenwashing. It is the business version of politicians pretending they are actually doing something. In reality they are only trying to preserve the status quo. Your actions, Joe Biden, speak louder than your words. But please tell me again, Boomer Democrats, how your party really cares about climate change! The Republicans don't even pretend to listen to climate science, never have (with one notable exception). There are people thinking the world will be the same, just warmer. The melting icecaps will open new shipping lanes and new paths to profits! The reality will be more messy, a lot more messy. Care for a look?
Depending on how bad things get, there may no longer be a global system, think local, local and local. One thing is clear. The main issue is the people who run things have most of the wealth and power based on the current system. They have no short term reason to change it. For the short term, they can buy their way out of the consequences of a warming Earth. Longer term, not so much. Who really wants to take a Porsche 911 turbo S across a scorched Mad Max hellscape? Being trapped in a fortified McMansion looks all cool in the movies. A few years in when life is little more than subsistence farming (even if you can farm) one would realize they live in a prison of their own making serving a life sentence. Things like large nation states and multinational conglomerations will disappear as the rule of law becomes a distant memory. I can see a medieval flavor setting in, a strange mix of lords, ladies peasant-types and a dash of high tech. Every part of the globe will be affected as terrible weather, wars and instability become normal. Oh, and let's not forget about all those nuclear tipped missiles. How long will it take for a climate related war to go nuclear? That would be bad, real bad. Let's try not to find out.
This is usually the part where I say it's up to you and me. No, you and I did not cause climate change. Downsizing your carbon foot print is just a way to let the big polluters off the hook. Still, I'm all about less stuff, driving less and reusing things. No, it's not going to save the planet, just make me feel better. The message I took away from "Planet of The Humans" was not green tech's failures but rather our own failure to question our fossil fuel based lives. I'm not giving up my car, heat in the winter. cold A/C in the summer or eating fruits from South America. There are very few people willing and able to completely change their lifestyles. This is going to be bad. The only question is how bad?
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Criminally Negligent Follow-up
We can watch the two level justice system play out on the world stage. There is a separate justice system for leaders of rich countries (that shields them from wrong doing) and one for poor countries. Justice is slow in dictatorships but when it does come, look out! Saddam met his end at the conclusion of a long fall with a short rope around his neck. Ceausescu (and his wife) found themselves on the wrong end of a firing squad without blindfolds. Gaddafi was captured by a mob of rebels, beaten and shot. A few go on the dictator retirement plan and just fade away, see Pol Pot, Mubarak and Mau, never to face justice. U.S. Presidents who do terrible things; Nixon, Regan, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump (Not a complete list) go on speaking tours and cash in on their time in office. Why?
Making the rules and sitting atop the world's most powerful military has advantages. We, the people, fail to hold them accountable. Hell, some get rewarded with re-election. There is the International Criminal Court but that's for other war criminals, not ours. Americans have a very self-centered view of the universe. Few of us can really imagine handing over our military war criminals (much less presidents) to such a body. The one world government will come for your guns next! So what to do?
Start by raising awareness. The first step is admitting there is a problem. Ask those running for office about limiting powers and accountability. If we cannot or simply will not go the international route, what can be done here? I'm doubtful anything will happen on this front in my lifetime but let's at least start asking questions.