Will the trifecta of a pandemic, an economic meltdown and mass protesting be enough to end the nightmare of the 45 presidency? I think so but as we have seen things can change in a very short amount of time. I think it is vital that 45, his crime family and his Republican enablers go. Four more years will be enough time to consolidate rule by crime family and crush any opposition left. There will be no action on climate change, there will be no nuke treaties left and there will be no police reform. There will be a doubling down on the war on science and reason leaving us in a dark world of never ending conspiracy theories, alternative facts and fake news. There will be gated and guarded green zones for the haves and one big red zone for the rest of us as the lessons from Iraq settle all across our land. I'm not exactly inspired by Joe "Basement" Biden either.
It was good ole Joe that helped write a major crime bill in 1994 that we are reeling from today. His party, the Democrats, sold out working Americans a generation or two ago. They now carry water for banks, credit card companies and healthcare conglomerates. Why do people vote for Trump? Look into the mirror Democrats. The Donald just took the opening you gave him. Once again we voters find ourselves with the Devil's favorite choice- the lesser of two evils. But there is one thing Joe offers, Just a little more time. Let me explain.
If Joe wins (as I think he will), we will need to turn up the heat on him and the other Neoliberal Democrats that will continue to haunt Washington D.C. That means more protests, acts of civil disobedience, boycotts and rabble rousing; not less. Unless you want more focus group approved half measures that ultimately changes nothing. Joe, on his own, will gravitate to the Neoliberal center doing little more than kicking the can along for four more years. This is less bad than four more years of The Mad Emperor Donald but given our problems time is not on our side. Still, four years is more than we will get with more environmental damage, less national / global security with a tone deaf and erratic Donald pretending to be in charge.