Upeople - the forgotten, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, the invisible and the broken. A humble voice trying to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Finding my Place and Purpose in these Strange Times
Yeah, yeah, I have not written in a long time on this blog. I've been trying to finish two, yes two novels. I’ve passed over a few health-related speed bumps along the way recently. I hope I'm done with health-related drama for a while. It looks like we will have a new political drama face for the next four years or so. Let's get this out of the way, I'm no fan of Fellon 47. There will be plenty of time in the not so distant future to go into all the reasons why. I had hoped this shitty timeline was only a bad dream. Unfortunately, each morning I wake up and Kamala still lost (maybe I'll write about that later). Like most of you, I'm not ready to surrender our country to a handful of kleptomaniac billionaires. There are two ways I want to counter-attack the creeping fascism we all face. One, I’ll remain optimistic and joyous. These two things are Kryptonite to Fascism. Two, be a good source of information. Good information is also bad for wanna-be dictator types. I'd like to start off by providing resources on how to survive the next four years.
Know your Rights if you Encounter ICE
Separation of Church and State
Mental Health First Aid Training
ACLU - In court for Freedom.
Your resources here.
Friends, let's grow this list. I hope to soon make a dedicated standalone page that will be easy to link and share. For now, I'll add what you send to this list. Like all storms, this too will pass.