"The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem." - Captain Jack Sparrow
How can a subsystem dependent on the larger system for its existence, change the larger system?
The government here in the USA, a democracy in name only, has come to depend on neo-liberalism for its existence. Money drives the train. These multinational conglomerations who's only purpose is to make money buy governments around the world to do their bidding. I'll focus here in the USA. I'm sure similar things go on the world over. Governments don't regulate business, business regulates business via legislatures they buy. This may not be the end of the world but there's a problem. For the most part, business / corporations main focus is on the short term. That's why they are not the best alternative for long term projects, like building the interstate highway system or the space program. Who wants to start something that may not turn a profit within a lifetime or ever? This short term thinking is what drives the climate change denier crowd. They could care less about what will happen a generation or two down the road. I think this is why we can get so few long term solutions to any of our problems. If it has no impact on today's bottom line, don't worry about it. Let's look at this in action.
Another mass shooting... and nothing changes. Anyone with any thinking skills at all can see we have a gun problem there in the USA. People want action but get "prayers." Gun manufacturers have an unbreakable death grip on the national legislature. With each new mass shooting we go through the same ole circle jerk, second amendment gibberish, the right to protect oneself, better mental health care and gun control. We rarely, if ever, asks who benefits from the problem. Nor do we consider long-term solutions like meeting people's basic needs or addressing our sick relationship with violence. Healthcare?
Same with healthcare. Problems abound but no one asks who benefits from the status quo. They now want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act but offer no concrete alternatives. Why don''t we follow other civilized nations and have a nationalized healthcare system in which healthcare is a basic human right? Easy! Follow the money. Think about who benefits from the status quo. Climate change?
What climate change? My wallet says not to believe in it, therefore I don't. This seems to be the mantra our government lives by. Except it is not my or your wallet they go by. Anything short of seven plus digits, forget it! Millions spent to muddy the waters and put doubt in peoples' minds to keep making billions. Simple math. Until the whole things blows up.
The endgame is coming soon. Electing a New York based billionaire real estate mogul will only accelerate the process. But that's for a future post...
How can a subsystem dependent on the larger system for its existence, change the larger system?
The government here in the USA, a democracy in name only, has come to depend on neo-liberalism for its existence. Money drives the train. These multinational conglomerations who's only purpose is to make money buy governments around the world to do their bidding. I'll focus here in the USA. I'm sure similar things go on the world over. Governments don't regulate business, business regulates business via legislatures they buy. This may not be the end of the world but there's a problem. For the most part, business / corporations main focus is on the short term. That's why they are not the best alternative for long term projects, like building the interstate highway system or the space program. Who wants to start something that may not turn a profit within a lifetime or ever? This short term thinking is what drives the climate change denier crowd. They could care less about what will happen a generation or two down the road. I think this is why we can get so few long term solutions to any of our problems. If it has no impact on today's bottom line, don't worry about it. Let's look at this in action.
Another mass shooting... and nothing changes. Anyone with any thinking skills at all can see we have a gun problem there in the USA. People want action but get "prayers." Gun manufacturers have an unbreakable death grip on the national legislature. With each new mass shooting we go through the same ole circle jerk, second amendment gibberish, the right to protect oneself, better mental health care and gun control. We rarely, if ever, asks who benefits from the problem. Nor do we consider long-term solutions like meeting people's basic needs or addressing our sick relationship with violence. Healthcare?
Same with healthcare. Problems abound but no one asks who benefits from the status quo. They now want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act but offer no concrete alternatives. Why don''t we follow other civilized nations and have a nationalized healthcare system in which healthcare is a basic human right? Easy! Follow the money. Think about who benefits from the status quo. Climate change?
What climate change? My wallet says not to believe in it, therefore I don't. This seems to be the mantra our government lives by. Except it is not my or your wallet they go by. Anything short of seven plus digits, forget it! Millions spent to muddy the waters and put doubt in peoples' minds to keep making billions. Simple math. Until the whole things blows up.
The endgame is coming soon. Electing a New York based billionaire real estate mogul will only accelerate the process. But that's for a future post...
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