Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Religious Freedom?

Just when ya think it could not get any worse, we have finally hit the bottom, bam! "Religious Freedom Laws." In a nutshell, this gives businesses the right to discriminate for religious reasons. This in now the law in two states and counting. Really terrible, right?  Just think of the money wasted keeping a few dark age dead-enders (yeah a Rumsfield word) happy. Well, there is a way to view this in a positive light. This is one of the last gasps of a tired old right fading into the twilight. Anyone with just a few brain cells to rub together knows the courts will shoot down this insanity. I wonder who will be the first to step up and refuse service others based on this lunacy? Talk about an easy way to spot the bigots! How can that be a recipe for business success? And then there's history. She will not be kind to these fools. But this is the legacy they think they want to leave. This will back fire in all kinds of ways. Most people can only look on in horror as these small -minded state legislatures bought and paid for by so-called "conservative" business interests enshrine religious insanity into state law. Keep in mind the only way these groups cling to power is via endless fear mongering driven by bottomless wells of money. Most people don't want to return to the dark ages. The backlash is coming soon. Those in power never study history.    

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