Voting is not a magic bullet. Yes, there are differences between the two mainstream parties here in the USA, the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democrats don't seem to be anti-science, anti-gay, and are less inclined to turn the USA into a theocracy. The Democrats are in favor of keeping abortion safe and legal, for the most part. All of which sounds great to me! The Republicans have twisted good ideas like personal responsibility and self-reliance into some kind of winner take all Darwinian dystopia. So why have I pretty much given up on voting? I no longer have a voice in government. I'm not at all sure I ever did.
I'm going all Marx here. The most powerful set up the government to do what exactly? Yes, keep them in power. That has not changed. The power of government does nor reside within the people. That's an illusion and a well managed one at that. Think about this mr. voter. Why pays for your choice? The wealthy, very, very wealthy. They want two things, your docility and complacency. They buy this via funding the circus every four years that somehow passes as a free and fair election. It is neither. How can we expect to change anything when we realistically have no say in who can even run? Politicians do the bidding of their true masters.
This is why I think-
There is no talk of alternatives to capitalism.
There is no talk of alternatives to neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism.
There is no serious talk of nationalized healthcare.
There is no questioning of creeping militarism of our police.
There are no controls or limits on how much the Pentagon spends.
So little concern about climate change.
Here are a few more,
Don't let The Marx reference mess it up for you. That's just one way to illustrate the current situation. The most important thing to keep in mind is the current path will end one way or another. Growing inequality never ends well, especially for those at the top. Now, in addition, to all that goes along with inequality, we have rapid climate change. No one in national politics takes either problem seriously.
If we cannot vote our way out of this mess, what then? Simple, stop playing the game. But then what happens?
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