One alternative is self employment. For some, this may be a way out o job search hell. And for young people a way to avoid it all together. You can mow lawns or move large objects for people but the pay is usually low and it takes a toll on your body. No, a better way is using your mind. For example, if you can learn how to talk to groups and share useful information with out fear, you can make a business. If you can write, make some blogs and sell advertising. Create ideas. It may be over stated but it is true, use your gifts. We all have unique valuable skills. If you have Been living the job search nightmare, think about what you alone may have to offer. For example, think about three skill sets or characteristics you have and then think of a way to combine them into something truly unique. Me? I don't mind talking to groups, I know a lot about conflict resolution and I'm handicapped. I can talk to professionals about hiring and working with diverse groups. There are alternatives to the job search nightmare. Email me ( and let's see what we can come up with.
If creating a business from scratch is not for you, the next best thing is having a high enough demand skill where people come knocking on your door! These are not skills that you can develop over night. There is no magic bullet / simple solution. Health care, computers / IT and the new field of green technology are all still looking good right now. These are also areas that are more resistant to outsourcing. It is too bad we have outsourced most of our manufacturing. What remains is high end, like building aircraft. If the economy does really start to recover, transportation is another are to consider. It is still possible to find jobs in trucking where a company may pay for your training. It may not be 9-5 but the pay can be pretty good, starting around 35k and going up from there.
What will happen when all of the unemployment extensions finally run out and there are still few jobs? Let's save this one for next time.
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