Sunday, January 23, 2022

Democrats Gonna Democrat and Republicans?


...And I was feeling optimistic at the beginning of 2022 (I'm still hopeful). But Democrats will do what they do best, squander opportunity after opportunity. I think Joe Biden is trying. I really do. I thought he knew Republicans only know one game and that's HARDBALL. It seems they have forgotten the idea of loyal opposition. You know, we are the opposition party but we still want what's best for the country and we want to be a part of reality-based solutions, so let's negotiate. But nope. The Republicans only want power for power's sake. Then, they can cut taxes for their already filthy rich buddies and gut regulations as well. I mean who needs clean air, water, safe airplanes or transparent finance? The economy then goes into a tailspin. When it all goes to shit; blame poor people, blame foreigners and blame anyone but Republicans. They have used this same playbook my entire adult life. The Democrats are still letting them get away with it! 

Biden has had some successes; 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure package, 1.9 trillion covid relief deal, reduced unemployment, rebuilding alliances and improving wages to name a few. Yet, his approval rating is down. Only 40% approve how well he's doing. Why? Democrats always let Republicans set the narrative. "Oh, inflation is out of control!, covid is still a huge problem- that's Biden's fault! Chaos at the border! Afghanistan! blah, blah, blah..." and then the Democrats get stuck playing defense. Just once I'd like to see Democrats grow a spine, sell their successes and play offense. Call the Republican Party what it is, a right-wing fringe party of science denying fascist wanna-be's. Ask them why they are against voting, what are their ideas to actually improve the whole country and who do they support- a sore loser president or an actual conservative who respects the constitution and the will of the people? I'd like to know these things. But no... The Democrats seem content to let the same plays work on them for yet another election cycle.

President Biden, it is not too late! Get another infrastructure bill through! Find a way to protect voting. Yes, for the future of your party, cancel student debit and find a way to make college affordable. Get the kids involved. Build a solid majority to send Manchin back into obscurity where he belongs. Do some even greater things in '23 and '24 then leave on top. Make room for the next generation of leaders who can work with a more humbled and sane Republican Party. 

Dear Republicans, time to cut the failed loser, nazis and christian heretics loose and rebuild your party. Your current cast of ghouls, soundbite actors and fossils are not the path to a better future. Return to reality and help make this a better place. Being the party of NO helps no one. Offer solutions instead. Let us haggle! I will not hold my breath waiting on these changes but in time, you will have to change.

Yes, despite recent setbacks, I'm still optimistic. Unemployment's down, incomes are up and the inflation should disappear as covid moves to the rearview mirror. Keep Russia out of Ukraine via diplomacy. You can earn extra bonus points for even a small infrastructure deal and or voting rights protection. Then, the Blue team will be successful. That will even help the Red team in the long run. We can have a brighter future! It's up to us!                         

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