Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dark Money

I live in North Carolina, USA. We have undergone a far right-wing take over of state government. While over all this is a Conservative state, all of the larger municipal areas are left leaning. But you would not know that by looking at the actions of our State Legislature, and governor. Some of the legislative wreckage includes: 

  • Cutting Federal Unemployment Extensions off via re-writing the state's Unemployment Laws.
  • Cutting the weekly unemployment benefit amount.
  • Cutting teacher pay, and promoting the further privitazation and comodification of k-12 schools. 
  • Needless Voter ID laws. 
  • Chronic Chronism - Hiring politically connected people for positions they are not qualified for, AND overpaying them. 
  • Repeal of the Racial Justice Act
  • Abortion restrictions.
  • "Anti-Muslim fear-mongering."
  • Denying Medicaid coverage to half a million low-income people.
  • Tax cuts for the wealthy.
  • Etc Etc...
...And it is another year to the mid-terms. 

I think some of this would even make the old right-wing Senator Jessie Helms blush. This in not following the will of the people of North Carolina. Let's keep in mind we are NOT the customers Governor Pat Mccrory speaks of when referring to North Carolina Citizens, and residents. The real customers are those that bought and paid for this election. Arthur (Art) Pope is a customer. According to this article, one of the biggest. We have been lead astray when the US Supreme Court in Citizens United, made money free speech. We are seeing the result here in North Carolina. Reform = Cut. What kind of business will want to relocate to such a state? A state that refuses to recognize same-sex couples, devalues education, devalues diversity, and refuses to safeguard it's mist vulnerable citizens, AND is anti-science cannot attract the top-tier companies looking for a highly skilled work force.  

I'm not a big fan of the Democratic Party either. I see them as Republican light. How can they be different when they too are also paid by many of the same "Customers?" Both parties support the only party that seems to matter anymore, The Business Party. Our challenge is to get money out of politics in an environment of shrinking individual freedoms and increasing domestic spying.    

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Back on

too much weirdness to stay quiet any longer...

more very soon.
