It is about the goal. For me anyway, having a goal I'm working toward is of utmost importance. Without one, life becomes the horror of getting up, going to work, coming home, eating ant watching a little tube and going to bed. Repeat. Repeat Repeat. It may be fun for a few days... I need to be doing something more. This is not to say "don't live in the moment". No, we are all only given so many moments and each one should be enjoyed. I enjoy each step of life and feel I can be future focused. I think it is safe to say we all need a reason to get up in the morning. I may not have the best job in the world, I can work toward something better.
Goals can be small, like a blog entry or major, getting a PhD for instance. A goal is striving to become something better than where I now find myself. I don't know anyone who is totally happy with all aspects of their lives. If I did, I'd probably be very worried about them! Accepting of where and who we are is critical for our well being. Do I have all I want and done all I wanted to do? Well no. But I feel I've done well and if you are reading this you most likely have also. You learned how to use a computer and read right? They may seem like very small accomplishments but there are tons of people who can do neither. Simply taking care of yourself and helping those around you are accomplishments. I'm digressing a bit here... Where was I? Goals, that's it! Once I'm good with where I am I can think about where I want to be and how to get there. It seems to me the biggest goals like getting the PhD are best broken down into smaller more bite sized goals. My first goal for the PhD could be as simple as find the universities I want to apply to. Later on it will be passing the so and so exam and finishing XYZ class.
I do better with deadlines. If I had not had due dates in college, I'd still be tweaking papers! It takes discipline to self-impose deadlines. It is an essential part of getting things done. Set a large goal and break it down into manageable parts and work through them. There is a final due Date. When you get fitted for a toe tag, it is too late! We are not given this date in advance so ya better get cracking!
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