North Carolina Governor renews State Unemployment Extension
So the governor restored the state unemployment extension here in North Carolina. Thats nice but does little to solve the much deeper problem of too few jobs for too many people out of work. Anyone on this extension has been on unemployment for well over a year. This can carry some people to the 99 week mark! Then what? To re-qualify for unemployment they have to return to work for at least 6 months and earn $4557 and that's only going to get 13 more weeks. The goal shouldn't be going back on Unemployment rather finding long lasting employment. All the state extension does is postpone the problems one will face with no income. The state (on both federal and state level) have failed to replace all the millions of jobs that have forever gone overseas thanks to so called "free trade". Capitalism has always been an ass-kicker of a system with both good and bad points but we do not really practice it here.
No, what we do is protect "profit". Anytime you hear it's good for business, business friendly or other similar sounding terms, replace these words with Profit! Regulation is not business friendly = Regulation cuts into profit. Why is the stock market doing so well but there is so little job creation? Lower labor costs overseas! Welfare for the most wealthy is almost never discussed. Exxon gets massive tax relief. Staggering bailouts for banks not afraid to fail! 14+ TRILLION. Google it yourself. Did they have to wait weeks for an executive order? No. Did we get any real reform? No, that would be bad for business er hurt profits or something... Will the jobs come back? No, that too is bad for business. Who's to blame?
The poor lazy jobless yahoo who is well into his second year on the dole some may say. With five qualified people out there for every opening who will hire the older worker, the minority or the disabled person? Capitalism is an ass-kicker and cares not for the powerless. So what if we are just another third world country in the next ten years with loads of dirt poor who no longer even know how to grow their own food and a handful living great in gated communities guarded by Blackwater / Xe goons we can all watch on TV? We may want to start listening to a different narrative/ story than the non-since and false dichotomy we're spoon fed on the nightly news by the two political parties. Make no mistake they work only to maintain the status quo and you and I as voters do not count. Hint- Follow the money...
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