A short entry. It is easy to point out problems but solutions are a bit more slippery. Waiting on Government or continuing to drink the Free Market cure all Koolaid is not going to get it done. We better start thinking for ourselves some and asking a lot more questions. It is not hopeless!
My goal writing about the failed Drug War in Mexico and other issues is basically to raise awareness. I'm not sure what else I can do and I find that sad. Why does something like the so called War on Drugs, an
abysmal failure, continue year after year and
decade after
decade? I think we get into a kind of
stasis. We simply accept things as they are, not the way we think they should be. Sure, I sign an occasional petition on line but feel that's weak. I could write for days about all of the challenges we face but choose not to at the moment. We hide in our day to day lives going through the unending routines ignoring (at our peril) important things like the reality the planet is getting warmer and all the bad that comes with higher
temperatures. We watch TV news (infotainment) buying into the
fantasy that the latest sex
scandal, high profile murder case or little missing white girl are really newsworthy events requiring national attention. Nothing else is going on right? No, let's don't talk about both political parties on their knees servicing bankers with trillions of our tax dollars. Let's not think of the tens of thousands of unnamed dead civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. We better not look for connections between Depleted
Uranium ammo Gulf War Syndrome and skyrocketing Iraqi deaths from cancer.
Watch here for free. Little missing white girls are bad but what about the children sold as sex slaves or forced to serve as child soldiers?
Read more please. Daunting problems for sure but not with out hope.
Now, I'll switch from We to I.
I CAN be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, blog facebook and in person.
I CAN raise awareness.
I CAN take a few minutes to research what I buy. Where and how is it made? It is not perfect but a good place to start.
I CAN reach for solutions and not rely on Machiavelli Politicians who promise "change" year after year and really change little more than their underwear. Let Washington play games, fixing problems is up to us...
I CAN think locally. There are plenty of problems where I live and I can do more about them.
That's five things I thought of on the fly. Now... What will you do?
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