Sunday, May 15, 2022

Abortion from where I sit


I'm not interested in starting arguments, debates or general internet outrage. That said, I'm willing to share my view. 

First, as a dude, I have no say. It's not for me to decide. Such a decision is between a woman, her doctor and God if she so chooses. Funny, the party of "small government" wants to intrude on this space.   

Passing laws and restrictions will not make abortions go away. It will only drive them underground, making them more dangerous the poorer you are. The wealthy will only have to spend more going to another state / country to have one. Has outlawing drugs worked? Did outlawing booze back in the day work? Robbery and killing are also against the law. Simply watch a little local news to see how effective laws are at stopping those. Driving abortion into the shadows only makes a difficult situation worse and will get people killed. 

Abortions can be greatly reduced (almost eliminated) pretty easy. Let's have real comprehensive, fact based sex education. Let's have accessible birth control. Maybe even real support for new moms with little means. But the party of "small government" has no interest in solving problems or actual governing. But that's a rant for another time...       

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