Monday, December 6, 2021

Thought Flash 12.6.21


...To quote the late George Carlin, "That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

Now, I love George Carlin as much as any fan. I even saw him live from the front row once, have never laughed so loud and long as I did that night. It was great. The thing to remember about this quote is it came from a man who rose from obscurity to the very top of his profession, gaining both fame and fortune. Simply put, he achieved the "American Dream."   Does that mean everything's great? No. 

The lower on the economic ladder you are, the harder it is to get ahead. Low enough down, George may be right. It might be impossible. So if you are working your way up, reach back and try to pull some people with you. Educate, inspire and lift. 

Make your own American Dream. 

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