Saturday, January 4, 2020

War with Iran? Probaby Not.

So General Soleimani was probably not a nice guy. It was his job to do Iran's bidding all around the Middle East via Qods Force / Sepah-e Qods /Qods Corps / Jerusalem Corps. They were not exactly showering their neighbors with flowers and greeting cards. But let's not knock the dead guy. So now what happens?

Iran has more to lose than the USA. Any war will be fought in their backyard or even within their own borders. They may be able to pull off a few terrorist attacks here but that's not anywhere near the dangers they face from the US military and our good friends, the Israelis. Iran knows this. They will have to retaliate but not so much to further provoke a president with mounting troubles here at home who needs a new war with 24/7 media coverage.

The US does not need a new war to add to our list of on going conflicts and concerns. Our military has been run into the ground for almost twenty years now. Remember Rumsfeld's backdoor draft? Then there is the ever cagey Kim Jong Un. Who knows what he is going to do. Oh, sure we could fight him too. But who's gonna loan us the money? Look at the national debit clock! Sooner or later our creditors are gonna pull the plug. One or two more wars may do the trick. Lastly, there the logistics. Sending a few thousand troops does not make an invasion force. To invade Iran would take troop numbers with six or seven digits. That would take longer than Emperor Donald has in office. We are not really going to re-elect him, are we?

Random But Related Thoughts...

-Wars, once started, take on a life of their own. No one can claim to predict the actual outcome. 

-Starting a war with Iran, and whoever else jumps in, will only accelerate our decline.

-Trump does not care. No one he knows will be in harm's way. 

-Political violence here when things go bad? 

- Get to know some of the people we are going to war with. They are only people after all.  


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