Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Crime of Seperating Familes

This may not be the worst crime of our government but it is high on my list. Other than simple cruelty, there is no reason for it. Simply filing for residency or political asylum is a basic legal practice that in no way warrants children being pulled apart from their parents. It is catastrophically damaging for all involved. This should have never been a policy in the first place. As of this last July it was still going on. I doubt it has stopped completely. There is no system put in place to help these families unite (another act of criminality).

How do our border guards, tasked with upholding the law, live with themselves? Some are no doubt parents and all were children. For a good job? Really? I cannot do a job that will damage my soul. Given 45's joy for pardoning war criminals, I doubt any will ever see justice. These things do not happen in a vacuum. This is long term damage that cannot be repaired. And yet there are still dumb asses out there asking why the world hates us? History will not be kind to what The United States has become.    

       But don't take my word for it. Consider the following...

See also: Genocide
                War under false pretenses
                War Crimes
                Pardoning war criminals
                Overthrow of Democratically Elected Governments for Profit
                Supporting despotic regimes for profit  

                A number of more crimes both known and unknown.

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