Friday, December 16, 2016

Enough Handwringing Already!

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The first part of solving a problem is realizing you have one. No, the electoral college is not going to make Hillary president. Obama is not going to magically stay in office. We are going to have to come to grips with the outcome of the election and if his picks for key positions are any indication, we are in a shit-ton of trouble. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback and cast blame, oh it was the Berniecrats, a bunch of racists and other undesirables got out the vote, or my personal favorite- The Russians did it! None of it matters. Over. Done. We are here now with a cartoon billionaire super- villain holding the most powerful office IN THE WORLD appointing nut jobs for important positions. My hope is this will stir a new movement.

I'm not real fond of the "fight" narrative. We gotta FIGHT back. FIGHT for a better future, Fight for this or that. FIGHTING is the government's job. What's needed is a whole new game. This one is rigged for the powerful or as my Marxists friends would say, the ruling class. I have no perfect answer but here are a few ideas.

---Something akin to Occupy could disrupt business as usual and offer a counter narrative to "government sources," the mainstream media and so called think tanks. What can you think of?        

---A safe space for like minded groups to meet organize and plan. Something that serves as a gathering point for BLM, LGBT, Standing Rock, Union / Labor types, Earth savers and so on. All face the common threat of Neoliberalism. This is a powerful but largely unknown force that developed over the last several decades. Wishful thinking is not going to make it "go away." This needs to start local but grow to global. And we need to be in it for the long haul. This struggle will go well beyond the current Buffoon's time in Washington.

---Educate yourself, find like-minded folks to work with and have FUN! Keep your head up, a good sense of humor and a positive attitude. Yes there are some very dark days coming, stunning setbacks and cruelty, a lot of cruelty. But don't let any of it fuck you up- just keep moving forward. In the words of MLK, "If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl just keep moving forward." Not exactly what he said but you get the idea.            

 Okay, run with it!

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