Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Why Anti-Trump Protests Matter

Start here.

And I'd like to add.

So this dude loses the popular vote but still wins a smashing victory in the electoral college. Are we all just to shrug it off and go home? Here are a few things not mentioned in the above article.

300+ million people live here yet Trump only got 60 million or so votes.  I don't think it takes a degree in rocket science, or anything else for that matter, to see what's wrong here. So any claim of a popular mandate is... wrong.

Less than half of eligible voters voted. I get it. Non-voters feel unrepresented. Who did our two mainstream parties represent? Why who pays for them of course! Too many people feel like unpeople- invisible, voiceless, disposable and forgotten. But let's just keep calling them lazy! That will totally make them want to participate in the finest democracy in the world.

Power concedes nothing. We cannot expect to tear down the master's house with his tools. We are never going to be able to vote our way out of our problems. The game is rigged. The game is fixed. The game only benefits the powerful. Hopefully, protest can change the game.           

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