Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On Capitalism I

Capitalism... There is a high price for prosperity both here and for the rest of the world. Let's start here at home but before that, let's break down some core principals of capitalism. As Ward says, "Capitalism kicks your ass." Don't worry about who Ward is. Just ask if he's right. It is unforgiving as hell. Make one mistake and you are suddenly the one pictured on the milk carton with a this cannot be happening to me look. Why is that, man? We live under a system that brings out our very worst. Profit maximization is a euphemism for "Hey fuck you, I got mine." When enough money is at stake, people will and have sold their own grandmother down river. Dehumanization is encouraged by capitalism. The most important goal is profit maximization, not making a better world for the next up and coming generation, not helping people live better more healthy lives nor building knowledge and understanding. Read the language. Individual freedom. Kill the competition. New and improved. Unlimited growth. Free Markets. Sounds okay until one considers the meanings in depth. Individual freedom, sure it sounds cool and all but don't forget it is also is the freedom to fall on your flat ass or through the floor. In a truly capitalist society, nobody is going to help you up. Tough shit. Health insurance gone with the job that went overseas without you and you got cancer? Sorry sucker and good luck! Kill the competition AKA Wal-Mart. Lets kill off all the small businesses and no worry the slobs will still be able to buy our cheap crap with their unemployment money. New and improved. Why are you still carrying around that old I-Phone? Get in the current month, you dumb ass! Unlimited growth. Yes, this can go on forever! Rules of science and physics do not apply. No oil and the Earth is no longer suitable for human habitation? Hey somebody will pull a solution out of their ass. The market will create a solution. I'm sure it will be the same douchebag who came up with the "Credit Default Swap."       

There was a rumor once that as a part of becoming incorporated, a business had to do some sort of "good" in the world. It seems this meager requirement got in the way of the bigger goal, profit maximization. Doing "good" is no longer a requirement. In Capitalism, as we practice it, there is no room for empathy, compassion or love (except the love of money). Where does that leave us? Just look around. Locally, the jobs are going away, the prison population is growing and those who do offer help are being overwhelmed with requests. Our election process has become a sick joke as the finest democracy money can buy. Friends, we already live in a police state.Just starting asking uncomfortable questions and see what happens. Globally, there are the obvious effects of a system where profit maximization rules supreme. Wars of choice, state sponsored terrorism (think the United States and our minions), large swaths of starving people when there is plenty to eat all come to mind but let's face it, it is hard to get our heads around faceless masses of faceless hungry people, the war dead and so on. Here are a few questions we all need to ponder. How do we let other human beings live out their lives in garbage dumps the size of counties? How do we allow our government to continue to bomb wedding parties, villages and bomb shelters? Why do we allow people diagnosed with serious illness to go untreated because they cannot "afford" treatment? I'm sure you can add many similar questions of your own.            

If your ego / identity has allowed you to read this far, congratulations, you a part of the solution! I cannot "change the world" alone. I cannot fix the sheer hypocrisy that governs the world today. I cannot house this living in garbage dumps and I cannot bring back those who have died in pointless wars (hint they are all pointless). I don't have the resources to feed those condemned to death via structural violence. What can I do? What can you do? I CAN raise awareness. If one yahoo who reads this even begins to question why things are the way they are, I've helped. I CAN stop participating as much as possible. Get out of debit and stay out of debit. Most importantly, I CAN encourage others that all is not lost. I may not be successful at all of these 100% all the time but I have to try. Now what CAN you do? What WILL you do?

Doing nothing is unacceptable.   

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