Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Storm Warning- Thoughts on July 13 And What May Be Next...


The event in Pennsylvania on July 13th was one more act of political violence in a country with a long history of such events. There have been others before now; union busting, beatings, assassinations and one Civil War so far.  It is a pretty safe bet there will be more political violence between now and November and even beyond. Why?  I'm sure you can find all kinds of commentary on why this is happening. Let me give you my most simplistic and direct answer. Change. We as a country,  hell, the rest of the world,  are staring into the faces of a flood of complex, unclear and potentially civilization-ending changes. Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence, a growing number of nuclear armed powers and changing demographics are reshaping everything. Most people don't react well to changes. They are scary. Many want to retreat into a mythological past where life was more simple, the footing more solid and everything was clear. Our minds remember the good things and block out most of the bad. That's how we get the notion of the “good old days.” I'm not sure how good they were, but I know they are gone forever, fading further and further into the past. So what's coming next?

I don't know. That's a phrase I'm trying to get more comfortable with. In this so-called information age, we want answers and we want them yesterday. It is important to slow down and not get caught up in the endless hours and hours of mostly useless speculation. Quite often, first hand eyewitness accounts are proven to be wrong. What passes for photographic evidence is subject to interpretation as well. That interpretation takes time. Grand conspiracies draw more eyes than a simple oversight. I tend to lean toward the simplest explanation being the best explanation. After such a huge event,  I understand it may be days or longer before we get a clear picture of what happened, how it happened and why it happened. I also realize some of my questions may never be answered. Being patient today is a lost art. In the days, weeks and months ahead,  I implore you to remember our media and entertainment industries are profit driven. I think truth comes out eventually but only after a lot of hyperbole, bloviating from self-appointed opinion shapers and repetition of lies to try and make them true somehow. 

When you see something that just seems plain nuts or makes your blood boil, step down and step back. As Beau says, "Get informed, not inflamed.” If a news item seems particularly upsetting, you would do well to remember that's the intent. Check other sources, if you're reading this you have access to news outlets from literally all over the world. How are others reporting on the same event? News is a human endeavor, subject to errors and biases. If you really want to understand a story, look at it from several different sources. Most importantly, be patient.

All storms pass and this one is no exception. Personally,  I view threats of violence as a sign of great weakness. These intimidation tactics only work if we let  them.  Whatever you do, don't give into fear of your neighbor, the stranger next to you in line or anyone who seems different. Rather, recognize those who stoke fear and try to benefit from it, tune out and turn off. I think we are going to be okay but the pathway to the new normal, whatever that turns out to be, will be ugly and bumpy. Make space in your head for ambiguity, uncertainty and patience. We are all fighting battles we tell no one about. So be gentle with your neighbors, even those you disagree with. This too will pass, friends. 

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