
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Unto Caesar


Some things belong to the state and state only. When I use the term "state" I mean government. The government's role is to maintain the status quo along with the existing power structure. In theory democracies can bring about change by the vote. That's becoming less so here in the USA with the passage of time as both parties become more and more right leaning. The Democrats are so far right, the Republicans have gone off the scale abandoning conservative values for an authoritarian cult. The Democrats with a few exceptions, are also paid for by the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) titans along with energy conglomerations and defense contractors. So they usually talk a good game while actually doing little about everyday issues like healthcare, income inequality and climate change. They are bought and paid for in order to keep the status quo going as long as possible. Will they fuck up so bad that the authoritarian party uses the tools of democracy to retake power? Then what happens to the status quo? 

If you follow the money, the Republicans are not getting the same corporate support they are accustom too. I think some of the powerful business types are a little nervous when it comes to transitioning to an authoritarian system of one party rule. For one, they don't like change. It is also less stable in the long run. When the strong man dies, a power vacuum ensues with an unclear outcome. Business does not like instability. At least a few business types, like Mark Cuban, understand the growing instability caused by increasing income inequality. I think some see the Democrats as doing a better job of keeping the game going. Will that be enough? Of course real change always comes from the bottom but it is not easy or a given.     

If I say I recognize no higher authority than my local occupy assembly, militia group or fringe church, the government will sigh with disinterest. "Whatever, just remember to pay up on April 15th." It's cool and all unless you decide to try and take over state functions. They really don't like that idea at all. Even if it is trying to do something that's good, positive and helpful, like free food for homeless people, they will pass laws against it. Just ask the Black Panthers. When feeding kids is wrong, do we really want to be right?  

It may be okay to set up a neighborhood watch but an independent police force? Nope. Police are tools of the state there to enforce the status quo. They protect and serve those in power.  The police are allowed to use violence and you are not. You cannot detain, try or jail people. Those are state functions. Now companies are encroaching on state functions like running prisons with disastrous results. Pay rates based on how many cells are full is just asking for corruption and does nothing to reduce crime. Companies creeping into military roles is also problematic. Are we going to privatize war? 

Well, we tried a little in both Afghanistan and Iraq. KBR, Blackwater, Custer Battles cashed in becoming synonymous with war profiteering, corruption and murder. It is not a good idea to combine war fighting and profit. The military (along with foreign policy) should belong to the state. Otherwise, there are too many legal gray zones. Some may think they can operate without any legal constraint at all. Somehow, I don't feel like we learned anything. We will continue misuse the profit motive in and for war fighting. 

Some things must belong to the state. Ideally, the state should belong to us- all of us. Government of the people, by the people and for the people can work. We need more choice than center-right and extreme-right. It's not much of a choice but a path to more choice is shorter from center right.         

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