
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Unlikely Ally?

Businesses, big and small, need freedom to flourish. Hold on, I'm not making a Republican talking point here. They need to be transparent for investors to make good decisions about how to invest. Opaque books should be a big red flag. They need to be free to adjust to changing markets, create better products and know everyone is playing by the same rules. There also must be transparent and fair contract enforcement. This will be impossible under Republican/ Neo-facist rule.

A Trump or Trump protégé will be the one to pick winners and losers. Competition will no longer be the driving force in the business world. It will devolve into who can brown-nose the ruling party the best. What little powers the SEC has now will be stripped away and replaced by favor of the one ruling party. Without openness, the whole game falls apart. We wind up looking like Putin's Russia or worse yet, Kim's North Korea. 

Yes, I'm sure Amazon, Apple, Blackrock and Tesla would do just fine in such a world. They could ride it out bowing to the will of the big man or woman. These would melt into one with the new government and keep chugging right along. But all things end. The end of this marriage would be horrific for humanity. So my question is do enough business types know this? Will they join with the Democratic Party long enough for the sweet, seductive high of Neo-facist / christian nationalist feelings wear off in today's Republican Party? We don't want one party rule via the Democrats either. One party rule is still one party rule.          

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