
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Criminally Negligent Follow-up


We can watch the two level justice system play out on the world stage. There is a separate justice system for leaders of rich countries (that shields them from wrong doing) and one for poor countries. Justice is slow in dictatorships but when it does come, look out! Saddam met his end at the conclusion of a long fall with a short rope around his neck. Ceausescu (and his wife) found themselves on the wrong end of a firing squad without blindfolds.  Gaddafi was captured by a mob of rebels, beaten and shot. A few go on the dictator retirement plan and just fade away, see Pol Pot, Mubarak and Mau, never to face justice. U.S. Presidents who do terrible things; Nixon, Regan, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump (Not a complete list) go on speaking tours and cash in on their time in office. Why? 

Making the rules and sitting atop the world's most powerful military has advantages. We, the people, fail to hold them accountable. Hell, some get rewarded with re-election. There is the International Criminal Court but that's for other war criminals, not ours. Americans have a very self-centered view of the universe. Few of us can really imagine handing over our military war criminals (much less presidents) to such a body. The one world government will come for your guns next! So what to do? 

Start by raising awareness. The first step is admitting there is a problem. Ask those running for office about limiting powers and accountability. If we cannot or simply will not go the international route, what can be done here? I'm doubtful anything will happen on this front in my lifetime but let's at least start asking questions.         

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