
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Eve of Doomsday?


2020 is just the gift that keeps on giving. What do we have so far? A global pandemic filtered through political tribalism (mostly here in the U.S.). Cops murdering brown and black people setting off protests, riots and looting the likes of which we have not seen since 1968. Once again politics moves in and we miss the forest through trees. Instead of addressing concerns, we yammer on about lawless thugs, looters and the new bogeyman on the block, Antifa! Yes! that's right in today's America it is criminal to be Antifascist. I don't know about you cats but my Granddad, and two great uncles fought fascists and imperialists in World War II. Here in the Trump-side-down world of the Trump years people are actually learning to be afraid of Anti-Nazis, young people taking to the streets for justice and even the Democratic Party. You've seen the ad's. Will the police come when you call in Biden's America? "They" burnt down my business and the cops could not help me! Fear, Fear and yes more Fear...

I only dislike one thing more than Democrats and that's Republicans. How do they want to govern? They don't. They only want to abolish taxes for the richest among us, defend their own very narrow view of freedom (It is against my religion to insure your sexual health) and sew fear and hatred of anyone non-white and or anyone who makes under 30K a year (basically poor people of any color). The Republican Party has been the party of FEAR and NO for my entire adult life. They have given us staggering levels of income inequality, wars of choice and kick and scream "socialism" whenever it is suggested government do something to actually help people. Where is the Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act? NO, that might help somebody! How do they respond to protests? Oh yeah, ridicule and water cannon. Never a single word about why they are protesting is spoken. Stagnant wages for the last fifty years / crushing personal debit? More tax breaks and cuts for the richest corporations and people will fix it! Republicans have phantom problems to solve like voter fraud. I'm sure this is more dark work of Antifa. Where is our opposition party, 

The Democrats? They, for the most part, go along with much of the above offering a little hand-wringing here and there and low-grade   grade school level political theater. See, they too are paid for by the same people to keep the existing power structure in place no matter the cost to the world for as long as possible. In any sane country (country with a healthy democracy and a critical thinking populace) the Trump Crime Family would have never got into power in the first place. Our brave Democrats have done little more than jump up and down and turn red faced. They have been totally ineffective. I'm sorry if this is news to you but here we are looking at a possible four more years (or more?) of Trump family rule. If this is good news to you, careful what you ask for. What are the alternatives? 

Vote for the Green Party? Stay home and do nothing? Vote for Trump and a quicker and painful death? Vote for Joe Biden to buy a little more time before complete collapse? Most likely, I'll vote for Joe. I like the Greens because I'm voting FOR something. But Trump has to go. One party rule is not for me. The Democrats are the only viable alternative. I have no illusions they can be reformed. I do think they will provide more stability and thus give us time to figure out better ways forward. I'm hopeful young Americans, given the chance, will completely reject the party of "NO," tax cuts for the rich and _____phobia. Stay home and do nothing is lame. How will you explain that to your grand kids? "Yeah, I figured the problems would just solve themselves." Do something! Even if it wrong! Just try! 

And Remember-----                   

The sun will rise on November 4th no matter the outcome. The wheels of life will keep on turning. I don't like the "fight" analogy so many are fond of. Keep fighting, fight harder and so on are worn out. We need a new approach and time to figure it out. Hate can and often does win in this world. I, for one, think we can and must do better.    

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