
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What a Time to be Alive

Friends, what a time to be alive! We are living through massive changes here at home and around the world. It seems every generation can say the same. My granddad lived an exemplary life as one of the greatest generation surviving the Great Depression, World War II in the Pacific, seeing people on the moon and the start of the internet age. Everyone says there will never be another generation like that. I disagree.

We always rise to face challenges. Our challenges are different. I'm impressed by the fact nuclear weapons have not been used since 1945. That's 75 years as of this writing. There have been some close calls, some more well known than others. But here we are. The over all number of nuclear weapons is lower but the danger is still clear and present. No, we cannot put the genie back in the bottle but we can and must keep working to avoid catastrophe. I hope we will.

I think it is also important to remember the world is a much more peaceful place. Yes, there are still wars raging but nothing like the scale of the two world wars. When was the last time all of Europe was at peace for 75 years (except the Balkans War)? Were the Romans in charge? It has been awhile. With the right documents, you can travel, tour and do business pretty safely in much of the world. Just do your homework! Despite all the scaremongering, crime is dawn. These times are overall safer.

Yes, covid-19 is still raging but it will not go on forever. Sooner or later, it too will be defeated. Most people are listening to medical professionals and taking precautions to protect themselves and the community. Try not to worry about those who are not, just take care of you- wear the uncomfortable mask, don't go out more than you have to and give others a lot of space when you do. Changes are going to come about as a result of covid. Let's do our part to make those changes for the better.         

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