
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Voters... as sick gamblers

I think we can all agree we are in a really big mess. Sadly, it seems to only be getting worse. Why? It seems to me those really running the show here have forgotten history. Anytime there is huge gaps in equality conflict often follows. I'm not talking about shouting matches on morning talk shows conflict. Its more like crimes against humanity, mass graves, mass executions and general failed state collapse. Yes, this can happen here and will if we just keep playing along pretending our two main political parties actually represent the interests of the people of the United States. They don't. Both parties do the bidding of those who pay for the circuses that pass for elections in this country. Why would either party want to reform (get rid of the massive amount of 'anonymous' cash) a system they both benefit from?  

I grew up around gamblers; card players, bookies and beters. I would have to agree with those who say this is a type of mental illness. Gamblers have to have a place to go, the House. While gamblers are by their nature losers, the House is the opposite. The House wins. Always. The House has gambling literally down to a science. The House provides an illusion of hitting it big by allowing a few here and there to do just that. It happens just enough to keep the others coming back. For most, its a long trip home with an empty wallet or worse. Voters are gamblers. Occasionally, something good happens like the Civil Rights Act, Welfare or Social Security. But little really changes. Racism goes underground (mass incarceration or minorities as well as profiling). Welfare gets "reformed" (new restrictions etc) and Social Security gets commoditized (soon).

Want real change you can believe in? Stop playing the game.  

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