
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Future Unveiled...

So what kind of narrative for the future do the previous readings unveil? Ugly.

Drone warfare is just getting started and the old rule book for when and how to fight wars has been tossed out. I have a few questions. So what happens when people here in the USA become targets? Will we quietly accept the blood money offered when the wrong people are killed along with promised through investigations that never seem to end in anyone being held accountable? When the first foreign drone srtike does occour or plain old fashoned terrorist attack unfolds will there really be people asking why on TV? Sure drones are cool and all but do leaders here thing the can go on being over used and misused without any repercussions here at home?

If you had any doubt that we do not live in a police state already, consider what happened to Chris Dorner. He's no hero but the cops turn out to be worse. He wasted people that had nothing to do with what happened to him. Five O decided he was not going to live and burned down the cabin he wa hiding out in via slick new toys from the military. Burn alive or put a bulet in my head, I'm not sure on this one but I think I'd go with plan B. And the cops get to call it a suicide! This is wrong on so many levels and in so many different ways, it is hard to know where to begin. Our so called free media did what the police wanted them to backing off coverage when they set the place on fire and for the most part gave Joe Public the police version of events. Real journalism is basically dead here in the USA. What we now get is the "official" version of events. Fabricating the news is the government's job and the media is just to repeat what they've been told.

Goldman Sachs really does run the world. So what does that mean for us? These guys (among others) have bought almost every so called democratic government in the world leaving the rest of us to live with decisions that help big finance and big finance only. They know the economy is winding down going hand in hand with resource depletement but rather than address the problems, we are putting down the accelerator on the way to civilization collapse. The Earth getting warmer? It pays! People dying from high food prices? It pays! Resource wars? More pay! It does not pay today to think about tomorrow.

Obama better than Bush? Not so fast. 

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