I gave up on my morning fix of NPR (National Pentagon Radio). With all that’s going on in the world, they remain fixated on continuous horse race style coverage of the presidential election. I don’t care what states the candidates happen to be in today, the latest non-real issue charge they cast at each other and I damn sure could care less about what the “average voter” is thinking. Both “sides” have to be represented no matter how stupid or uninformed they happen to be. Yet, this nonsense seems to take half the news cycle. People, this is no way to select a leader or run a government. The best way to close down the circus of horse race news coverage, billionaire funded elections and politicians who take no stand outside of the current neoliberal paradigm is to cut them off. Stop playing. Stop participating. And please stop posting shit on facebook and other media you have no direct knowledge of. Neither “side” gives a shit about you, period. Why be a schill? There are no “sides”. There are those who benefit from the status quo and those who do not. Both political parties are for the status quo even though the right has gone utterly batshit. I’m deeply saddened by our complete lack of community , inability to empathize and the utterly simple mindedness of American dualism (two sides to everything good bad right wrong black white vomit vomit). We are acting like nothing but a bunch of damn crabs in a trap pulling down whoever tries to get out.
Instead of encouraging each other, we tear each other down.We hear:
"Why should the teachers get more money?"
"Those union workers are so overpaid."
"Get a job with health benefits if that’s what you want."
"It must be nice having a full time job with benefits."
It is beyond jobs. Pick almost any topic you want and then read a related online article and scroll down to the comments. I marvel at the amount of anonymous anger and hatred. My theory about this is people feel so utterly powerless and this gives the illusion of having some kind of power (even if it is to only upset others). People can say stuff they would NEVER say in person. The anonymous nature of being on line hidden behind a nickname gives some a false sense of power. From sports, to cars to politics people would rather argue on line than eat. My team is better than your team and we will kick your ass. Remind me again of what position you play? People get wrapped up in this stuff adopting it as their identity. My Chevy will beat your Ford. So? It only means you have sunk more income into your car than your education. You may want to rethink that. Cars are fun and all but there is more to life. Then there is politics. Want to get people going, just mention Obama Romney or Bush. All are nothing more than different shades of red but one would think the opponent is nothing less than the Anti-Christ returned. They may not be the Anti-Christ (if you choose to believe in such things, I Don’t) but if there is such a thing I think he or she would join the Repubracrat Party. Keep them down and fighting about the damnedest things and those of us who run the show will keep the circus going for their own benefit... forever. Right now we (the people of this country) are the very definition of insanity.
We keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Instead of this political party, we will vote for that one. When nothing changes, we vote for the other one again. The cycle repeats over and over. What are we accomplishing? Jobs are still being cut and outsourced, the income inequality gap is growing faster and faster accelerating our pace to failed state status and big business runs our health care and steals our money whenever their overly complicated risky investments go south. A different world is possible. We can all escape the trap of consumer casino capitalism but we must first stop pulling each other down.
I think this will happen in time but the cost in suffering grows and grows the longer we are passive. Instead of looking to a government that has long ago stopped being a government of the people by the people and for the people, think local. Get together with people in person to work on solving problems and bridging differences. I'm going to help my local Occupy Group get the Employment Working Group going again. If something similar is not quite your speed, see what your church has going, or any number of local organizations. We do not have to "overthrow the government", if we get together and simply lead by example it will follow. Not participating in the manufactured election hype does not require violence only disobedience. As bad as our system is, it can be brought back under control. Enough people can get together and make good shit happen. Our civil Rights movement was a direct result of people no longer accepting the status quo. We need to pick up the struggle where Dr. King left off, the struggle for the poor. Billionaire funded elections are not the answer. I don't consider myself a Communist or a Socialist but I'm willing to listen and learn. This is 2012. Why can't we come up with a better system?
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