Continued growth and progress forever right? Not always. We
always hear politicians, business people and economists talk about growth of
the economy despite history and finite resources. Yeah, we have seen an
explosion of new technology in the last century or so, from the a-bomb to the
internet. It seems every week there is a new “must have” gadget coming out to
replace the one we just bought. There have been tremendous advances in medicine
as well helping those with access to good healthcare live longer. While those
without are left to a relatively new corn syrup enriched diet and the dire
consequences that go with it. Then there are all the slick advances in creative
accounting which have given rise to the FIRE (finance insurance real estate)
economy. Who needs to make actual stuff anymore when one can get rich
manipulating figures, charts and stories on an important looking illuminated
computer screen or screens? We
have also made tremendous advances in government as well. Through the fine art
of propaganda, we know how to make a totalitarian system into the world’s
greatest democracy. Simply create the illusion of choice between two components
of the same regime, add TV glitz, and talk passionately about distraction
issues while ignoring the most important ones (See entry below). Sure the
circus could go on into infinity but it will not.
Civilizations are born,
mature, grow old and die. It is a simple truth of human civilizations. Always. The cause of death may differ from place to place
and time to time. The cause of death may be internal, like corruption in the
Roman Empire. Civilizations can be killed off by Mother Nature as well.
Droughts and floods have taken out countless civilizations around the globe.
And there are the occasional epidemics, like the Black Plague. Chronic resource
depletion is also a civilization killer. Because few of us have any direct experience
of the above does not mean they have “gone away.” I’d say we are facing all of
them to varying degrees right now. We are corrupt as hell with the grandest democracy money can buy. Mother Nature is not on our
side either. No single big ass earthquake or flood is going to take us out but rapid climate change just might. Look at what’s happening with droughts and
rising food prices already. Civility goes out the window when there’s nothing
to eat. “We are only nine meals from chaos.” I read that somewhere recently and
wondered how many days food are in my town? How about yours? Here in the good
ole USA, our healthcare system is being overwhelmed by mostly preventable
illness and disease; diabetes congestive heart failure, and emphysema to name a
few. Again this alone is not a civilization killer. Chronic resource depletion could be the final nail in our
collective coffin. Check out this website about oil production and population growth.
What do you think is going to happen when oil production falls? This is the
single most important resource of the modern world and it WILL run out. There
are green technologies out there but none abundant enough to replace oil. Hell,
than cannot even come close. The last guy to take this seriously was Jimmy
Carter and he was run out of office on a rail. Friends, I’m sorry to sound all
doom and gloom but we need to be aware another future is possible, one that may
not follow the script of “progress.” Our current leaders and decision makers
seem to be in the deepest denial of all.
Civilization death cannot be laid at the feet of Mother
Nature alone. We play the largest role in our own demise. Arrogance, hubris and
willing blindness always cost us dearly in the end. When the bad guy’s plans
come unraveled, he cannot believe it and starts screaming “this cannot be
happening!” Recent legislation passed by the North Carolina State Legislature
provides a good example of denial of reality. It was not the first and rest
assured, it will not be the last. We have the largest and most complex
civilization in history and there is no single person responsible. We are all
on a train to an unknown destination and guess what, nobody is driving. We
cannot lay the blame on Obama or Romney because the problems we face are much
larger than any single office or individual. We continue on down the tracks as
if our civilization will last forever blissfully unaware of the many dangers we
face. I find it funny how we watch an endless parade of Hollywood fueled
doomsday fantasies while ignoring real dangerous stuff going on all around us.
The warning signs are everywhere, climate change, nuclear proliferation, income
inequality etc etc. Our civilization will unlikely end in a very bad day or
week. These things take time.
We may yet escape nuclear fueled Armageddon, the final
plague, a large asteroid or even artificially intelligent robots who have
determined we have outlived our usefulness. Escaping from a much warmer Earth
and poisoned environment may be a little more difficult. Sad to say I see
little cause for optimism. Building great civilizations and crashing them,
seems to be how we roll. It is a survivable experience. The lone family in the
woods with stocks of canned beans, ammo and guns may not be the ticket (unless
they are really really isolated). When the hoard of three to four hundred shows
up looking for a fun day of rape pillage and plunder, the lone family with the gun nut at the head is going to have a
long and painful afternoon. Forget the lone-wolf bullshit put out by Hollywood. Real community is a much better option. This is what
has worked in the past. A defended community will have a much better chance
when(and if) a hoard shows up. They may be able to buy them off with food and
other tangible valuables. Better yet, put some on the payroll so to speak with
work and food. I guess I'm falling into Hollywood fantasy myself. The hoard may never form. The future is nothing more than the results of the decisions we are now making. It does not have to look like a Mad Max movie.
The best way to move ahead is community building. Join a church (preferably one that does not take an us vs them approach), a local movement like your nearest Occupy Group and or get to really know your own neighbors, especially those who now how to garden. WARNING: this will mean turning off the TV and could even lead to time outside. But you will likely end up happier, healthier and much better prepared if the world starts to go off script and improvisation is needed. More on this topic soon.
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