Can our current system be reformed? I'm not so sure. Neither major political party looks out for those they were sent to serve. Rather, they look out for those who financed their campaigns. Almost from their first day in office, a new senator starts fund raising for their re-election. Yet, they will all say I'm not influenced by campaign contributors, which is a lie. How can they NOT be? So what has this best democracy money can buy system got us? Here are just four things to consider...
1. The soul crushing Earth raping system of neoliberalism that's never discussed, much less questioned, in mainstream media outlets. Businesspeople and their lapdog politicians talk about economic growth completely disregarding the facts we have limited resources and the environment is being destroyed. There's no room for even a discussion of alternatives.
2. The so called Health care debate. The recent reforms are not "socialist." In fact, they are opposite having been largely written by insurance and drug companies for the bottom line. 30 million new customers for health insurance companies courtesy of Uncle Sam will be great for the shareholders!
3. The bank bailouts cost in the TRILLIONS and counting. Meanwhile, congress argues over extending Unemployment benefits for the needy. (more on unemployment later...)
4. Ongoing wars generating disposable veterans while making defense contractors billions in profits. See here for some of the big players.
This list could go on and on. Reformers want to work within this system for positive change. I must concede the past is not without success, there has been progress on Civil Rights but where else has mass protest worked? There have been and are a few good people in politics. Time and time again the system fails to change from within. Can it be saved / reformed?
Your thoughts?
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