Government is not a business and attempts to run government as a business, I think are misguided. The goal of business is to make money PERIOD. Sure, there may be a few rules that work for both but they are in no way the same thing. Ideally, in a free society, the number one role of government is to protect our freedoms. Government should provide a good national defense (not a damn empire thank you). It should also protect our weakest and most at risk citizens, those who cannot take care of themselves. This is a true measure of a great society. Instead of saying, "Government is the problem, not the solution" (Ronnie Raygun), we should realize that ALL of us ARE the government. Thus we take responsibility for our problems. This entails a few things that are completely lacking today. Informed citizens (not mindless consumers) who know they can bring about real change and reform. A functional education system that creates informed citizens is now all but non-existent. A true free press that is unafraid to point out shortcomings, corruption and conflicts of interest. We now only have a handful of powerful conglomerations that parrot the party line without asking uncomfortable questions.
In fact, we now have the business model applied to government. The recent Debit Ceiling deal is proof. Who gives a shit if some needy people are tossed under the bus? We got a deficit problem! It has to be fixed NOW! Rich corporations buy with pennies the circus in Washington and make millions in tax cuts and deregulation. They use the infotainment (used to be news) industry to remind us this is the only way (and oh by the way you are free). The most important thing in business is making money and not protecting rights, taking care of the weak or making informed citizens. Look at what we got now.
We have essentially a one party state, the conservative party. There are two wings the center right, known as the Democrats and the far right, the Republicans. This makes up our so-called choice. The system does not allow for any other party to get a foothold in Washington. There is a slight exception in the Tea Party. These guys and gals are to the right of Genghis Khan. So the choice is center right, far right and extreme right. The left is all but dead in this country leaving control of the political dialogue firmly in control of conservatives who think the free market / business model is the answer to every problem.
Here we are with massive deficits (have we already forgot the bank bailouts and ongoing wars?). The economy is still in the tank and if there is any change, it is for the worse. All the jobs we shipped over seas (thank you both parties) are not ever coming back. Those over 50 cannot find work now. The safety nets are being dismantled along with our middle class. Meanwhile... those at the top are doing far better than just ten years ago, profits are up and no new taxes!
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