It seems we have crossed into a dangerous zone of complacency where nothing really shocks us anymore, except dumbass things. Casey Anthony, phone tapping and tell all books about celebrities are great cause for concern meanwhile… climate change, unending wars and a whole host of other issues go on and on unresolved with no resolution in sight. Let’s face it people, we’ve forgot how to raise hell about things that really matter. Gone are the sit-ins, marches, and demonstrations (okay there have been a few notable exceptions). Bye-bye Casey Anthony and hello Amy Winehouse! Her life was indeed tragic and she was a great talent but the media will ride this story for all they can squeeze out of it. Here are just a few things I think could use some real coverage.
Generations of our fellow human beings living in a massive garbage dump. Why is this still going on?
If you think the on going war in Iraq is over, guess again!
The ever-increasing wealth divid here in the USA.
The militarization of our southern border.
The human costs of the Mexican Drug War.
The number of wars has increased under President Obama. Iraq, Afghanistan, plus Yemen, Libya and Somalia. Sure a few of those may go back to George W. but remind me again why Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize? Good article.
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