Nah, I did not REALLY go finance a 2011 yellow ‘vette. That would take my wife Thu and I getting more jobs and she refuses and I’m too lazy. It is almost as absurd as some idiots paying for billboards all over the country picking a day for the “Rapture” (A concept / notion I have no belief in what so ever). I’m an agnostic. Who the hell am I to say god does or does not exist. If you believe he does, great! We are not a Christian country any more than a Muslim or Scientology country. There is NO official religion here. We are free to believe (or not) as we wish. Being free, we can spend hundreds of thousands on bill boards and other outlets as we wish to get across pretty mush any message we wish (unless it is about really helping or uplifting poor people). Why do so many believe in such a dark message? Do they think God is a mass murder who could make even Hitler and Pol Pot blush? Are things really so hopeless? I think for some, they are. This is the real underlying issue behind doomsday cults of all stripes. It is a kind of powerlessness. My life sucks. This world is doomed for its wickedness. I cannot do anything about it. It is in God’s hands (so I don’t have to do shit). Maybe it all is but what a lame excuse to watch others suffer while you do nothing.
If I were God, I’d be pretty pissed. Everything we need is here. There should be no such thing as the Bottom Billion. We carry on about helping the poor and giving to charity but fail to ever ask why there are poor in the first place. Religions can do great and wonderful things and at the same time help maintain the existing power structure (read inequalities). You’re poor because god wills it. Besides, the kingdom of heaven awaits you. (long as you behave as we tell you). So life sucks and the end of the world would mean no more bill connectors, food always in the fridge and no more worry about wars, famine, tornados etc. Some of these problems we can solve! Solve the ones around you! All the great religions call on followers to be active in making this a better place and not worry about how and when it will end. Lighten up!
I hope there is a god and an afterlife and all the fun that goes with it but I live as if there is not. This really could be all there is. We need to make heaven here. Enjoy each day and every experience to the fullest. There is somebody laid up in the hospital as I write this who would love to have my small problems. Enjoy working through the bad stuff as well. Am I getting too preachy? I just want to share what works for me so you can take a little or as much as you like. Only one thing is certain, no one gets out of here alive. So we may as well enjoy life and help those around us to do the same.
Enough Doomsday already! Get living people.
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