
Friday, November 13, 2009

Beat the "Jobless Recovery"

Sorry I've been away awhile.

Let's get our jobless recovery on! It looks like the banks are getting back in the black and Wall Street seems overjoyed! We worry about passing some more weeks of Unemployment (which is not the answer either) or spending billions on a better health care system but the real story remains out of the main stream. How much was / is the bail out? 14 TRILLION and counting! Do not take my word for it
look here. Mrs. Prins knows what she is talking about. If you do not believe her, google "cost of the bail out". There are twelve zeros in one trillion. i.e. 1 Trillion = 1,000,000,000,000... Where did this money come from? Somebody is running the printing press and getting over time! It is no wonder the banker and Wall Street types are more happy these days. So what about you? How's that change working out for you? In my view, the Republicans are even worse, As I get older, I see less and less difference. It is going to take a lot more than 14-20 weeks more of Unemployment to get things going in the right direction again. I will not bullshit you, I'm no economist. So what does this got to do with a job search? Remember this blog is for one person only- you. You can still succeed.

What can you do? I've seen people doing the same old job search routine month after month (and in a few cases year(s). It is like the movie Groundhog Day, except reliving a nightmare of uncertainty, anxiety and false motivation over and over. Even if this method works, the nightmare continues. Get laid off, get fired for some stupid reason and start the whole process over again! Many move with blinders between jobs not pausing to think their way out of it. You must be creative! You must network! Sitting at home in front of a computer isolated from the rest of humanity filling out on line apps and emailing resumes is not going to get you a job, much less a career. This only leads deeper and deeper into cold dark depression. There is another way. Volunteer, play sports, do church stuff and get involved in any other activity you can think of to get around people. The job / career will find you. What need can you fill? What need do you WANT to fill? Answer these and you are on your way. If the Unemployment is out and you are looking at the ole $20 crisis, there are things you can still do.

Here a few ways to generate so income...

1. Voice 123 - voice overs.
3. Ebay- Sell your stuff or stuff for friends on line.
4. GOARMY.COM They're always hiring.
5. Swift Transportation Be a truck driver.

Capitalism is an ass kicker. Government will not take care of you. You are pretty much on your own. I call it freedom to fail or succeed. Look with in and to friends, family and others to find what will work for you. Use the Internet to apply for jobs but keep in mind this by itself will take a very long time to work if it works at all. Network and network more...

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