Saturday, November 7, 2020

Now What?


 Wow, what a strange election! Biden did get in but we have 70 or so million who voted for Trump. The Blue Wave turned into the Blue Mirage with little meaningful change in the legislature. I think it was good to ditch the Donald before he politicized the entire Federal workforce, replacing professionals with political stooges. I don't know about you guys but I kind of scientists working for the CDC, NASA and NOAA. These are no places for political for YES men. I passed on the Greens this time. The Donald just had to go. Why? Ask Noam Chomsky Sadly, he still barely won my state. We will have a few months of 45 whining the election was stolen, mad dashes to various courts arguing baseless claims (only to be shot down) and yes even a few acts of political terrorism from his fellow dead enders. Then, like a miracle, he will gone from the White House. I have low expectations of Joe Biden. 

Unless he (and the Democrats) suddenly grow some balls, we will stumble on (slower) to environmental, economic and artificial intelligent catastrophes that will render our current civilization a fond memory of old people. Casino Capitalism and a clean environment are mutually exclusive. Our government (Yes, both parties) is incapable of understanding much less dealing with this fact. Income inequality (a big part of the Trump phenomenon) will continue to worsen (more slowly hopefully) and the next Neo Fascist will prove to be more competent and dangerous than Trump. Artificial Intelligence at the very least will be disruptive bring on changes (dangers?) we cannot even now imagine. Rumsfeld would say unknown unknowns. By going more slowly toward these challenges (there are many more), we buy a little time to figure out what to do about them. So what CAN we do? 

Protests, boycotts, sit ins (Occupy) and general strikes need to become a part of the American landscape. We cannot think our guy won (hint- he's not our guy. He, like Trump, belongs to the oligarchs) and all will be well. Biden will do the master's bidding defending the elite at the expense of the rest of us. If we sit back and accept that, shame on us. Enough hell raising can bring about positive change..


I'm hopeful Biden will be more responsive to civil unrest than almost any Republican. 

Caution: violence plays into the narrative of the bad guys. Nobody on Earth does violence better than Uncle Sam. That's his game. Challenge him and you will loose... badly. 

Note: anyone in your group protesting for positive change who calls for violence or terrorism most likely works for Uncle Sam.                          

And for the love of God: stop insulting, demeaning and looking down on those who voted different than you. Rather, reach out, listen, acknowledge our common humanity to gain ground. No minds have been changed or hearts won by petty social media insults or dehumanization of mass swaths of any population.  

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

What is Neoliberalism? Readings.



Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Eve of Doomsday?


2020 is just the gift that keeps on giving. What do we have so far? A global pandemic filtered through political tribalism (mostly here in the U.S.). Cops murdering brown and black people setting off protests, riots and looting the likes of which we have not seen since 1968. Once again politics moves in and we miss the forest through trees. Instead of addressing concerns, we yammer on about lawless thugs, looters and the new bogeyman on the block, Antifa! Yes! that's right in today's America it is criminal to be Antifascist. I don't know about you cats but my Granddad, and two great uncles fought fascists and imperialists in World War II. Here in the Trump-side-down world of the Trump years people are actually learning to be afraid of Anti-Nazis, young people taking to the streets for justice and even the Democratic Party. You've seen the ad's. Will the police come when you call in Biden's America? "They" burnt down my business and the cops could not help me! Fear, Fear and yes more Fear...

I only dislike one thing more than Democrats and that's Republicans. How do they want to govern? They don't. They only want to abolish taxes for the richest among us, defend their own very narrow view of freedom (It is against my religion to insure your sexual health) and sew fear and hatred of anyone non-white and or anyone who makes under 30K a year (basically poor people of any color). The Republican Party has been the party of FEAR and NO for my entire adult life. They have given us staggering levels of income inequality, wars of choice and kick and scream "socialism" whenever it is suggested government do something to actually help people. Where is the Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act? NO, that might help somebody! How do they respond to protests? Oh yeah, ridicule and water cannon. Never a single word about why they are protesting is spoken. Stagnant wages for the last fifty years / crushing personal debit? More tax breaks and cuts for the richest corporations and people will fix it! Republicans have phantom problems to solve like voter fraud. I'm sure this is more dark work of Antifa. Where is our opposition party, 

The Democrats? They, for the most part, go along with much of the above offering a little hand-wringing here and there and low-grade   grade school level political theater. See, they too are paid for by the same people to keep the existing power structure in place no matter the cost to the world for as long as possible. In any sane country (country with a healthy democracy and a critical thinking populace) the Trump Crime Family would have never got into power in the first place. Our brave Democrats have done little more than jump up and down and turn red faced. They have been totally ineffective. I'm sorry if this is news to you but here we are looking at a possible four more years (or more?) of Trump family rule. If this is good news to you, careful what you ask for. What are the alternatives? 

Vote for the Green Party? Stay home and do nothing? Vote for Trump and a quicker and painful death? Vote for Joe Biden to buy a little more time before complete collapse? Most likely, I'll vote for Joe. I like the Greens because I'm voting FOR something. But Trump has to go. One party rule is not for me. The Democrats are the only viable alternative. I have no illusions they can be reformed. I do think they will provide more stability and thus give us time to figure out better ways forward. I'm hopeful young Americans, given the chance, will completely reject the party of "NO," tax cuts for the rich and _____phobia. Stay home and do nothing is lame. How will you explain that to your grand kids? "Yeah, I figured the problems would just solve themselves." Do something! Even if it wrong! Just try! 

And Remember-----                   

The sun will rise on November 4th no matter the outcome. The wheels of life will keep on turning. I don't like the "fight" analogy so many are fond of. Keep fighting, fight harder and so on are worn out. We need a new approach and time to figure it out. Hate can and often does win in this world. I, for one, think we can and must do better.    

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Quiet Trepidation

I feel the covid / 2020 blues almost as soon as I wake up. I can go places at my own risk. I worry for my brother, a paramedic, running Civid patients everyday. I think about my old work family going in every day to help the unemployed. I often wonder is it only a matter of time before I get covid. Will it the mild asymptomatic version or the express lane to the cemetery version? What about you? I know you are fighting your own battles and have your own worries. It only human. We like things to run smoothly. We like regularity. We may not admit it but we like certainty. 2020 is doing it's best to turn everything upside down. I can feel it in traffic via less courteousness and over aggression. I can see it in the eyes of fellow shoppers both masked and unmasked. Don't want to wear a mask? Fine but let your kid go without one? That is some kind of crazy ass narrative flowing through that cat's skull. "Look at all of these sheeple-(a term I detest) all masked up and afraid. Not me, not my kid." Yeah fine go ahead and risk your own life but your kid's? That kid is gonna be sure pissed off if he reaches adulthood and reads a history book about 2020! Corona cannot wait until fall!

Our national government is doing nothing about the pandemic or all the dire economic fallout. They decided to leave town and maybe deal with it or not when they return to Washington D.C. Meanwhile, cops keep being cops continuing to gun down black and brown people with impunity. When those people protest and loot to express their outrage, they are met with militarized police and white national types itching for a new "civil war" utterly clueless what such a calamity would really be like. (As someone with a Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution, I think this is highly unlikely. Our economics and demographics does not point toward civil war... yet.) Should the protesters stop until after the election? NO! Then Emperor Donald will lie about how he alone put down civic unrest for another bump in the polls. I'd like to see even more protests and better yet a national strike of some kind. Just keep in mind violence only benefits the state as they wipe the streets with your remains to the cheers of the crowd as fascism puts down deeper and deeper roots. If you are a protest organizer and some jackass starts talking guns and shooting cops, that individual is a cop in all likelihood. Send them packing! Want the elites to really squeeze their ass cheeks together, I recommend very large PEACEFUL protests and work stoppages. Shut Shit Down! This is a long process and about far more than this year's election. Now there are even questions about the peaceful transfer of power.

The peaceful transfer of power is one of our keys to stability. That seems under threat. The closer the election the more dicey it may be. The economy depends on a stable government and the rule of law. If we allow the crime family another four years, kiss any positive goals for our country good-bye. We can only expect more tax cuts, more deregulation and even more outlandish behavior. That's if we are lucky! The path to complete destruction is full of pain, violence and mass murder. Not a place we want to go. And can somebody / anybody wake up Joe Biden and the sleeping Democratic Party?

"I'm not Trump," is not a slogan for victors. I thought we learned that last time! Low on enthusiasm? That's fixable. Lead from the front, Joe- give us something to get excited about. Time's wasting but it is not too late. Have a dialogue with protesters. Pick an issue and run with it; taking climate change seriously, not just police reform- justice reform, a real national plan to deal with covid and his friends waiting their turn (the next covid / pandemic) or economic inequality. There are tons more! But you gotta lead from the front. Why the Democrats always let the Republicans frame the issues and dominate the news cycle is beyond me...

One last thing... If Trump does win (unlikely but damn sure possible), the world will not end. Sure it will be a major setback, but not the end of history or time. We will do what humans always have done when faced with adversity; adapt, adjust, improvise, rethink, organize and overcome.                      


Monday, August 24, 2020

People with Disabilities and Employment Post Covid

I'm a person with a physical disability. I owe any success I've had to my parents, those who helped win disability rights and a good education. I had the good fortune to be born after the time most anyone with a disability would have been institutionalized and soon forgotten (were we Great then?) No, this is not a political blog post. But just ask yourself the question Great for whom. At a very young age, I was taken out of my "special school" and tossed head first into public schools. Mind you, this was all the way back in the 70's. Over all, it worked out well for me. I went on to earn a bachelor degree, a requirement for two jobs I got still later that kept me independent for my adult life. I'd be dishonest if I did not thank North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation as well. They paid for much of my education. That's just to give you an idea of my experience with employment as a person with a disability.        

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is far higher than the national average. It runs about double the rate for non-disabled people. It has always been far behind. I think we can change this for the better. With technology and investment things can and will change for the better post covid-19.

With new technology, the employment rate for people with disabilities should improve greatly. One thing we have learned from Covid, it is possible to do many jobs from home. The days of stuffing envelopes and piecemeal production as the only work for the home bound are thankfully over. Here is one site offering plenty of opportunities to work from home,  The keys are education and training. These are far better investments than small, monthly disability payments and subsidized housing possibly leading to a lifetime of poverty and unhappiness. Even paying for a bachelor degree is a small investment to get someone beyond the month to month struggle on disability payments for life. Not every worthwhile skill requires a four year degree. There are numerous certifications in the computer world that take less time yet are still well paying. This can give people with disabilities much more control or agency over their own lives. There is one more thing I think could be very helpful.

I think entrepreneurship among the disabled should be encouraged more. We can learn the high demand skills that interest and excite us. With the right skill sets it is possible to be in control of our days and destinies. Not everyone can work an 8am to 5pm fixed schedule job across town. Being self employed, we can set our own schedule as well as where we choose to work. Here is a good example, (used with permission). Todd has worked solo almost his entire adult life, owns his own car, house and does tons of traveling. He truly leads by example.

I'm in no way saying all people with disabilities can work. There still needs to be disability payments for those who need it and it should pay enough to keep people out of poverty. I'm hopeful as technology improves, less people will feel disability is the only way forward.

Personally, I found this video very helpful, Locus of Control. It is how we view the world and our place in it.        

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What a Time to be Alive

Friends, what a time to be alive! We are living through massive changes here at home and around the world. It seems every generation can say the same. My granddad lived an exemplary life as one of the greatest generation surviving the Great Depression, World War II in the Pacific, seeing people on the moon and the start of the internet age. Everyone says there will never be another generation like that. I disagree.

We always rise to face challenges. Our challenges are different. I'm impressed by the fact nuclear weapons have not been used since 1945. That's 75 years as of this writing. There have been some close calls, some more well known than others. But here we are. The over all number of nuclear weapons is lower but the danger is still clear and present. No, we cannot put the genie back in the bottle but we can and must keep working to avoid catastrophe. I hope we will.

I think it is also important to remember the world is a much more peaceful place. Yes, there are still wars raging but nothing like the scale of the two world wars. When was the last time all of Europe was at peace for 75 years (except the Balkans War)? Were the Romans in charge? It has been awhile. With the right documents, you can travel, tour and do business pretty safely in much of the world. Just do your homework! Despite all the scaremongering, crime is dawn. These times are overall safer.

Yes, covid-19 is still raging but it will not go on forever. Sooner or later, it too will be defeated. Most people are listening to medical professionals and taking precautions to protect themselves and the community. Try not to worry about those who are not, just take care of you- wear the uncomfortable mask, don't go out more than you have to and give others a lot of space when you do. Changes are going to come about as a result of covid. Let's do our part to make those changes for the better.         

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Democrats 0-2? It May Happen

So Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris for Vice-President. That's a safe pick that will keep the donors happy. On the down side, there is no place for those of us wanting things like medicare for all, a Green New Deal jobs program or affordable education. You know, all the things that make us Radical Leftists. I mentioned in an earlier post today's Democrats are basically 80's Republicans. So if you are looking for large systemic changes (if Biden can even win) don't hold your breath. The never ending Neoliberal project looks secure for a few more election cycles. Trump may bring it down but with a staggering amount of destruction in the process.

Trump seems like a guy who wants to lose. The ONLY issue right now is Covid-19 and he seems to basically be uninterested. Nothing can go forward until the virus is under control. Ignoring it and crashing our healthcare system is no way to move forward but it looks like that's what our so called leaders want to do. Attacking Biden as some kind of Bernie controlled leftist is laughable. There are plenty of legitimate problems with Biden's long record to attack. Biden is also the ultimate Washington insider with 50 or so years in national politics. He will increase our taxes the Trump ads tell me. Guess what? No one gives a shit about taxes in the middle of a global pandemic and economic meltdown! Speaking of meltdowns, have you sat through any Trump interviews lately? He cannot give any reason he should get another four years or runs away if asked a question he does not like. What a truly great and inspiring leader! And the Democrats? They are doing their damnedest to go 0-2 to this clown!

Few are actually excited to vote for Biden. That's a big RED flag. Low turn out equals four more years of Emperor Donald. This election is about The Donald. A lot of people hate him but I'm not sure that alone will be enough. Say whatever you want about his core supporters but one thing is for sure, they will get off their asses and vote. Meanwhile, Biden thinks he can afford to ignore a huge chunk of the Democratic Party. Those of us who want things like single payer healthcare, a Green New Deal and affordable education are taken for granted because Trump. The left (the base?) has little enthusiasm for centrist half measures. Add to that we feel we were screwed in 2016. Some are going to say fuck the Democrats, let Trump have it. I'm not one of those. I'll show and tell you why.

To defend or somehow justify the above image takes an EVIL soul. Trump has proven over and over he is unfit for office. Putin has something on him. Trump takes Putin's side just a little too often for my taste. But if you think deregulation, tax cuts and right wing judges are worth the price, help him get four more years. I say no thanks. As bad as I think Biden is, I'll still vote for him. He's sane and offers a chance to return to a fact based world. Instead of watching and cringing at Biden gaffes, here's a pretty good interview.       

If the Democrats lose again (there is a good chance they will), they can blame their bankrupt ideology (neoliberalism) and inability to self-reflect. It will NOT be the fault of the Bernie brows, Greens or even Republican cheating.  

Friday, August 7, 2020

Beyond Covid- GWOT, Greta and Russia Phobes

So Covid-19 is still all the rage. One cannot check the news without a covid story or two. Poor ole Donald has to be so sad with it taking some of the media's attention off his tweets, outrageous statements and truly God Awful interviews. I think what is being ignored / unsaid / not discussed may say even more about the state of the world. We touched on this in a recent post and I think it is worth a deeper look.

We almost never hear about Iraq or Afghanistan any more. There is talk of a peace deal in Afghanistan but don't hold your breath. Forces far from the country are not really interested. The Donald would love a peace deal to revive his fading reelection chances. Oddly, this is one of the few of his positions I can agree with. He has no strategy on Iraq I'm aware of. That nightmare looks to be endless as of this writing. The people who live there deal everyday with the wrong end of American power. It is not an unpleasant news story for them, it's life. I'm not all that hopeful Ole Joe is going to make much improvement. He too, will likely carry on the GWOT and pass it on to his successor. He's got to win first. 

What about the Russians? Vladi has something on Donny. The only time they are in the news now is when 45 does them another favor. "Pulling 12,000 out of Germany!" Thanks! "Thinking of leaving NATO?" We love the idea! "Could you kindly leave Syria? Thanks again!" I'm not a Russia phobe but damn!

Meanwhile (The not your friends) Democrats want to start another cold war. They have returned to the 1980's. That's understandable when you stop and think 80's Republicans are basically what they have become. Yes, Putin is not a nice guy. But he is their guy for the foreseeable future. Deal with it. We are a rival power so don't act all shocked when he wants to interfere / influence our elections and politics. Ever hear of a place called Israel or China? They love our political system! And then there is US, the USA. We routinely overthrow governments we don't like. It is all a part of the fun and hardly worth restarting the cold war over. Take the necessary precautions and keep it moving. Russian vilification only helps defense contractors. Here's an idea Democrats; redo some of the treaties 45 has let lapse or dropped out of. Let's work on getting rid of some more  ICBM's. Being 80's Republicans is not helpful.         

Where is Greta? Did climate change turn over our extinction to Covid-19? No, Covid 19 is just the warm up band. The real show is soon to follow. I'm sure Earth liked the break in pollution as some of us took the pandemic seriously for a few months. There has been little real work on dealing with climate change. We are addicted too hard to our "suburban class lifestyle" with air conditioning, cars and an entire culture based on more, more, more!  There is no Magic Green Bullet that says this can continue to infinity. We are going to have to change our culture to save ourselves. If not, the Earth will change it for us- the hard way.      

How to change things? Change the conversation! Ask the hard questions! Most importantly, look in the mirror!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Long View

Hi all. How are you doing? Are you adjusting? Yes, no, sort of? Just do the best you can and take life day by day. We are coming to a crossroads of sorts. I love MLK but I have one disagreement with him. I do not think there is a natural arc towards justice. If I understand him correctly, he has a faith in the inevitable victory of justice. I think it can only happen if WE make it happen. Dad used to tell me, "We're free here in America. That means we are free to fuck it all up." We are doing a great job of that now it seems. Have we hit the bottom yet? No, not by a long shot!

If you are reading this you still have; an internet connection, power, hopefully you are not gong hungry, you CAN read (and write). I imagine where you are there are still flushing toilets. Those things alone put you pretty high on the comfort level in today's world. You can do more than see injustice, you can fight it! You can raise awareness, you can protest and yes, even vote. You can do none of the above and watch as they all slip away. We do have a choice and there is power in that choice, for good or ill. I hope we can make good decisions and reject the approaching authoritarian darkness. We have before.

We ditched slavery. Women did get the vote.We got a New Deal. We crushed fascists (with Russia's and other allies' help). We got Civil Rights Legislation and The Americans with Disabilities Act. Hell, we even got people to the moon! None of these achievements were easy. We still struggle with  these issues to this day. We still protest and struggle for justice. We keep on keeping on.

I think Joe will win in November. That does not mean the struggles stops. Remember, he has a long and public history of supporting neoliberalism and "Law and.order." Biden is not a champion for justice and human rights. I've said it before and let me say it again, the Democrats are not your friends. I hope protesting not only continues but grows. I believe Biden is more likely to listen to the will of the people than 45. Biden is also more willing to listen to experts and follow their advice. We can see clearly "corona virus will just go away." strategy does not work. If the Donald does win, the world will not stop. We will still have to struggle and protest. Let's make it happen!      

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Random Thoughts in the Covid Summer

We are all tired of Covid. Guess what? It is not tired of us. It is going to get worse, a lot worse. We are going to have to adapt and be smarter. Stay home as much as you can and always wear a mask whenever you go out around other people. There is no vaccine. There will be one but who knows when. With no national leadership, states, local governments and you are on your own. Schools? Make the best decision you can based on what local healthcare professionals are saying, not politicians or facebook friends.Work? Same deal. The economy will recover. But we got to deal with the virus first. Period. 

We have always treated women here as second class citizens. I was no Hillary fan but she was far far more qualified than her TV Reality Star opponent. Here we are stuck with the results.There are too many people here who voted against her because she was a woman. They cannot come to terms with a woman telling them what to do. Consider this article. There is still  large gender pay gap. Women get paid less the men for the same work. The dehumanizing and objectification of women in entertainment is still off the scale. Has it gotten any better? Thoughts? This is a topic I need to learn more about. The recent incident with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez made me stop and think how we treat women. The dude thought it was okay to call a sitting U.S. Law Maker "A fucking Bitch." Her response is worth watching. We, as a people, can do better. 

Culture War         
This is almost the only front The Donald seems interested in fighting for. He's serving up a heaping helping of red meat for only the reddest Republicans while the rest of us look on in horror. Not many care for nameless, faceless cop / security types beating on protesters. In the middle of a pandemic / recession / rent / mortgage crisis few few are worried about statues and flags. But go right ahead and send in more goons to more cities! Plummeting the country into deeper chaos is no way to win in November. The GOP ideologues who don't want to spend money during this crisis (except on those who don't need it) seem to be on the same path to oblivion.      

Friday, July 24, 2020

Movie Time!!! 7.24.2020

Here are a few videos well worth your time in this strange time.

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Trevor Noah tries to connect some of the dots over some of the last several months. If you want to get a better understanding of the protests still going on, this is a good place to start.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Full Response to Rep. Ted Yoho

AOC uses her unfortunate encounter to give an important talk about rampant sexism at all levels of American society. It is a mature response to an immature act. I think she is one of the few bright spots in Washington because she seems to actually care about those she's there to represent.

8:46 - Dave Chappelle

Dave gets serious about the death of George Floyd and the aftermath. 

John Lewis - March on Washington Speech - August 28, 1963

The message still resonates today, decades later.




Thursday, July 23, 2020

Lessons from Baghdad

A disappearing American right?

The recent invasion of Iraq was about more than oil. It was about occupation and control. It looks like what they learned there in now being applied here at home with recent events in Portland, Organ. I have a few questions. Was this a one off event or is there more to come? Was this some kind of test? How far are the Feds willing to go on behalf of Emperor Donald?  Most importantly, how do we react to it?

We'll soon find out if this becomes a new police (Paramilitary / Brownshirt) tactic. The individual "agents" are being puled from somewhere to carry out this most Un-American policy. I highly doubt there is some huge force somewhere waiting to do "disappearing protestors" duty. I guess these "officers" have traded their oath to the Constitution to one to Emperor Donald. This Navy Veteran dared to ask.  Sounds like the same kind of goons that separate families at the border. HELPFUL REMINDER: "I was just following orders" is NOT a defense. See Nuremberg.     

What is being done to counter these crimes against freedom? The ACLU is responding. A Wall of moms and dads has formed. Will this help or make it worse. Thugs with badges and legal immunity are not a good mix. There are just too many who get into law enforcement for all the wrong reasons. Meet force with force- bad idea. Protesters are simply not going to win a gun battle. More violence is what 45 is hoping for.  Here are some alternatives to violence. Massive numbers of silent, peaceful protesters on the streets with lots of live streams. Veterans, we need you now. Bring your US flags, show people what it truly represents. We don't do boot licking here. This may be as important ...sunshine. Shine a very bright light on who these "agents" are, who is sending them and who is getting the bill.

In the longer term, The Donald has got to go one way or another. This latest stunt will do nothing to revive his sagging poll numbers. Protection of statues and monument is far down on the list of national priorities right now. 50 million plus unemployed, a raging pandemic while the rich get richer and fast approaching catastrophic climate change and the Great Orange Man thinks, "Ah let's crack down on protesters!" Most of us don't like seeing our fellow citizens manhandled and taken away by paramilitary thugs with covered badges. This is even worse knowing the city of Portland did not request such "assistance." And if you think this is any more than political theater by the Reality TV President, consider this... He's only targeting cities run by Democrats.       

Monday, July 20, 2020

Now what?


It is easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by everything going on. Don't! Evil wins when good goes silent. We are in a very dangerous time. We can work to make a lot of changes for the better as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Make no mistake, this is going to be a long painful process. Vaccines are months away if they are even possible. The way I see it, we cannot rebuild a better economy until we have got the pandemic under control. Returning to work, school and life as it was before and risking your very life is not a good choice. I'm no health expert, so I don't know what or how long it will take to defeat covid-19. I do know our government's current plan of reopening everything and hoping the virus "just goes away" is utter madness. 140,000+ dead and this is the best they can come up with? I understand they got statues to defend, election year politics to deal with, fat corporations to take care of and other ongoing absurdities but damn. So what are we to do?      

1) Take care of yourself. Still stay home as much as possible. Eat healthy, sleep good and exercise to keep your immune system up. This will give you a better chance if you do get Covid-19.

2) Wear a damn mask! Here is why. Don't worry about the fools who don't wear a mask. That's on them. Keep a safe distance (more like 12 feet). Too many "Anti-Maskholes"? Go to another store or go at a different time.

3) If you have to return to work wear a mask, stay apart and wash your hands like your life depends on it. If your work is unsafe- fuck 'em don't go. Catastrophically sick you or dead you cannot pay bills either. It is better to be around to solve the problem than in an early grave. No job is worth it.

4) Stay informed. Know what's going on in your local area. Listen to healthcare professionals and be cautious of politicians who put an economic recovery over your life. Here are a few sources I use.

The CDC's Covid-19 page.
Peak Prosperity -  Doctor who has been covering this from the start.
Duc Vuong- Another doctor. 
NC DHHS Covid-19 Response

5) Help others who are struggling as best you can. A random African American woman paid for my white friend's groceries near the start of all of this. He caught up to her in the parking lot to pay her back (he's well off). She held up her hand to say stop, "No hun, it's about the love." With that, she left. Acts like this all over the country are going to get us through this in the end. Take care of each other without judgement, prejudice or praise seeking is what I took away. I'm sure you too have seen or heard of similar acts.

Have we already reached the dystonia of our nightmares with people being disappeared into unmarked vehicles by people in military style uniforms? Looks that way. More on that soon. In the meantime, get ready to raise some hell.              

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trifecta of Doom

Will the trifecta of a pandemic, an economic meltdown and mass protesting be enough to end the nightmare of the 45 presidency? I think so but as we have seen things can change in a very short amount of time. I think it is vital that 45, his crime family and his Republican enablers go. Four more years will be enough time to consolidate rule by crime family and crush any opposition left. There will be no action on climate change, there will be no nuke treaties left and there will be no police reform. There will be a doubling down on the war on science and reason leaving us in a dark world of never ending conspiracy theories, alternative facts and fake news. There will be gated and guarded green zones for the haves and one big red zone for the rest of us as the lessons from Iraq settle all across our land. I'm not exactly inspired by Joe "Basement" Biden either.

It was good ole Joe that helped write a major crime bill in 1994 that we are reeling from today. His party, the Democrats, sold out working Americans a generation or two ago. They now carry water for banks, credit card companies and healthcare conglomerates. Why do people vote for Trump? Look into the mirror Democrats. The Donald just took the opening you gave him. Once again we voters find ourselves with the Devil's favorite choice- the lesser of two evils. But there is one thing Joe offers, Just a little more time. Let me explain.

If Joe wins (as I think he will), we will need to turn up the heat on him and the other Neoliberal Democrats that will continue to haunt Washington D.C. That means more protests, acts of civil disobedience, boycotts and rabble rousing; not less. Unless you want more focus group approved half measures that ultimately changes nothing. Joe, on his own, will gravitate to the Neoliberal center doing little more than kicking the can along for four more years. This is less bad than four more years of The Mad Emperor Donald but given our problems time is not on our side. Still, four years is more than we will get with more environmental damage, less national / global security with a tone deaf and erratic Donald pretending to be in charge.         


Friday, May 8, 2020

Watching the Fire

Warning: Possible F-Bombs Ahead!

I'm sitting safely at home, well fed and more or less secure watching the world burn. It is easy to bitch about all that's going wrong. Our leadership is disjointed, the Covid 19 death toll is continuing to climb and the wage slaves are protesting to get back into their cages. Each one of these is a blog post in it's own right. Easy and plentiful pickings for sure for a disgruntled leftist like myself. If you are going to criticize something, have the common courtesy to have an alternative. Okay, challenge accepted.


It should be painfully obvious to anyone leadership is lacking. I'm no fan of The Donald but this is not all his fault. It is always easy to look back and say what he should have, could have done. Dido on our congress. Not a big fan. Taking care of the .01% is likely going to backfire spectacularly. It may indeed be the undoing of what was once known as the USA. Creating a feeding frenzy for fat cats and throwing crumbs is not much of a long term solution. Then there is the Federal Reserve. I don't profess to know a lot about economics, but pumping money into a crashing market keeping it artificially afloat for the sake of "stability" cannot end well, can it? Let's go more local.

Each state is running it's own experiment on the citizens living there.
Georgia- aw fuck it, let's just reopen and see what happens.
New York- No thanks.
North Carolina- Maybe?
Our country is not well built to deal with such a crisis on her best day. Nobody likes big government until we need big government. With the party of, "drown the government in a bathtub" in charge, you can see how this went so bad so fast. Fuck you Democrats, you would have done only marginally better also taking care of Wall Street first and foremost. So here's the deal.

We have no reliable leadership. You are on your own. Socialism is for the rich casino capitalism for you. Three Doors now stand before you:
Door Number One. So stay home and prepare yourself for casino capitalism 2.0. 40% less small businesses, less real choice and even shittier working conditions with even less pay. Don't worry! If the TV and Internet stay on, you can take refuge in the worlds of "reality TV," Youtube stars and rapist athletes just like before.
Door Number Two. The grid goes down taking communications, electricity and food supply chains with it. I think this is unlikely but better to acknowledge a fear and prepare for it than just hope it goes away. Millions of guns laying around and a dwindling food supply is not exactly a recipe for Utopia.  Hey, I'll be dead in the first wave unless the local warlord chooses to keep me around for comic relief. Either way I'm good. I hope you have started your garden and are learning how to can food. The winters are long and cold.
Door Number Three. We can make a better world. This too is unlikely but we can dream right? More of us stay working at home, we curb our consumption and we let mother Earth start to breathe for once. We rethink our priorities and unite against threats cant put us all in harms way. It is stunning how fast this became a left vs. right issue complete with conspiracy theories and other unhelpful nonsense.           

Death Toll.
As of this writing the Covid 19 death toll in the USA is climbing above 75,000. If anything, it's an under count. No this is not the flu, car accidents or even gun deaths. None of those grow exponentially nor does a larger second (and or third?) wave loom just over the horizon. We already have two simple tools to stop Covid in it's tracks, stay at home and masks. We simply lack the will as stay at home recommendations are ignored by more and more people with each passing day and simply donning a mask makes you compliant with something called the "Deep State." Some people are like, "Fuck the scientists, fuck the government trying to tell me what to do and fuck you and your safety, nobody is gonna tell me what to do. I'm free!" Watch the number listed above continue to climb.     

Reopen Protests.

This is killing the economy. That's true. No job, no income and getting unemployment is a nightmare. How in the hell can I feed my family, pay the mortgage, put gas in the car? Credit cards, car payments, financed fancy beds, couches and high end TV's are going to have to  wait. This is killing my business! These are all legitimate concerns. People are freaking out and it did not take long. I'll pass on name calling as it solves nothing. But dressing up in flag waving attire, sporting AR-15's and joining a mob at the state capital may not be the best way to make these points. Your fellow citizens look on with horror as you draw attention to yourselves and not the problem. Bringing weapons to political protests is only something only white people can to. What happens if any other group tries such shenanigans? Bad things... Here's an alternative.
Show up dressed for work, with masks, ten to fifteen feet apart and say, "We cannot kill our livelihoods and economy. Hey, we can do this safely and effectively. The sooner, the better." This is called Adulting. Nah, flag waving and AR-15's are too much fun! Why?

Most people feel so utterly powerless and helpless, they cannot help to be drawn to an event that's a big Fuck You! I WILL BE HEARD, I WILL BE LISTENED TO! The guns are there for intimidation, agitation and outrage. So congrats on that. Guns provide their owners a feeling of power, security and courage. All illusions. You will lose any shootout with police, the gun also makes you a target and are you so scared you have to carry a battle rifle? Here is a picture of a courageous protestor

Let's see somebody here face down an American M1 Abrams Tank even with their AR-15. The person pictured above drew attention to his cause the right way.

Make GOOD decisions Friends! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Good Decisions

Be Advised: Your Government is Not Going to Protect You.  But it is Not the time for Despair.

Your health (and the health around you) depends on one thing- you. Not even a month into this and the wealthy are clamoring to "Reopen America." 40,000+ dead are not enough. They are totally willing to sacrifice you, your family and your friends for short term profit. They con the gullible into protesting for reopening (unknowingly risking their very lives in the process). Hint the Coronavirus could give two shits about Making America Great Again (or vote blue no matter who for that matter). It only cares about exponential growth. Killing human beings is only a side effect. It sounds like some of our leadership.

Bad Decisions- Reopen Now. 
Grow markets, economies and GDP's irregardless of the cost in lives. While you are struggling just to make it through the next week, remember the 0.01% are cashing in. No one lectures them about the personal responsibility of saving for a down turn. No one sends them to a website that does not work for help. No one asks them for a personal sacrifice to help their neighbors. No, you go right on and be their lackeys, this is just the flu and or a Chinese creation / hoax after all. Do their bidding as they snicker at you at a safe distance from their yachts, villas and penhouses. And if your "Side" cancels the election for an emergency of their own creation (on purpose or incompetence) dance and cheer in the streets at your great victory! You may get the theocracy you so much desire where praying for the dear leader is a requirement and daring to criticize is a death sentence. If it is good for business and Coronavirus, it has to be good for you.       

Good Decisions- Hang Tight.
 We are going to reopen soon enough. What is a few months in the grand scheme. For you, or some of your friends, only life and death. We can rebuild the economy. We cannot raise the dead. Remember unlike the flu, Mike, Coronavirus kills exponentially. We are not a patient people at all. We want everything yesterday and accept movie magic as reality. Vaccines and treatments that work take time to develop. No we cannot stay in forever but as long as we can all eat and get by, let's give the professionals actually working on this the time they need. Now is not the time for politics as usual. We need to unite against a common enemy and not drive wedges of division further into our country and the world. It comes down to you. 

Good things for reflection. 
What can I control for a better outcome? 
What can I do to be helpful? 
How can I plan for a better, brighter future after this all passes? 
Which of my beliefs are most helpful? Do I need to change any of them? 
Who can I reach out to? Who do I need, who needs me? 

Carry on friends with patience, love and tanascity! 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

What Comes Next?

Here in April 2020, we are still in the middle of the Corona 19 pandemic but it is hard not to think about how things are going to change. Will it mean the end of Neoliberalism? Possibly but unlikely. We will still find ourselves dependent on international trade, the internet and money as we know it. Much depends on the next few months. If things wind down fairly quick, the disruption will be less painful obviously. There will be less long term change. If the crisis stretches into the summer and beyond who knows? What has changed already?

Many small businesses are not coming back. Hard to get back going with a quarter or two of zero or negative cash flow. That's a lot of people not going right back to work on that, as of now, elusive lifting of stay at home orders. The unemployment will run out and then what? We can only keep the circus going for so long. Meanwhile, the Walmarts of the world barely miss a beat. We are stuck on a hamster wheel of never ending debit bubbles. We too quickly forget the long history of socialism for the rich, S & L, Airline, Bank and automaker Bailouts. Trillions of dollars... Gone. Are you starting to see why we cannot have nice things like  affordable healthcare, a living wage and education as an investment (not a black hole of debit)? But math being math, this will end sooner or later. When the wheel finally flies apart, then what? 

Use the time now to learn new skills that will be of use in a post corona, post bailout world. Anything to do using your hands may be a good idea. Building stuff, repairing things and skilled trades never go out of use. Knowing  how to deal with others never goes out of style either. If you can sell, you will always have a job. Computers will still be around in one form or another. Learn something there. Working from home may become a norm. In many countries around the world the home is also the shop. Why pay for office space when you don't have to? Why waste time and gas commuting? Working from home is not as easy as it sounds. You still need self-discipline and have a schedule.   Build time in for exercise so you don't become a diabetic couch potato with liver failure and heart disease. Cook at home to eat better and save money. We are way too dependent on external systems too complicated to last indefinitely. Speaking of complicated, what about healthcare?  

Healthcare will not be the same. I like the no waiting around e-visit I had (non-corona related). That's gotta be better for everyone. I like skipping the petri dish waiting room! If I need tho come in, the doc can let me know. Send in my prescription and I'm good! On a less positive note, this crisis will sink a lot of insurance  and healthcare companies. Where I am a hospital stay costs around $1k a night with no complications. Days and days in ICU's and or on ventilators will easily run into six figure bills for somebody. Who's left holding the bag? You cannot get it from the newly unemployed and homeless guy. Will Uncle Sam (Sugar) pick up this tab as well? We can all ride the inflation rocket to the moon! What about the awkward hospital visit? Will this too disappear for good? Doubtful. This is a basic human duty after all. Just keep it short; a half hour or less is plenty. Let's hope there is some self reflection within healthcare. What went wrong? What went right? What can we do better? National government seems incapable of such thoughts. I doubt that will change.    

Neoliberalism has already won the US election. What happens if this structure indeed falls apart? Would Joe really have any better ideas on how to  build an alternative than the Donald? Possibly, but he has to win first. That's in doubt. Our government seems utterly incapable of solving problems of those with less than seven figure incomes. This bodes ill for long term stability. In the long run this is a much bigger challenge than covid-19.      

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Shot Across the Bow

The Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the world is a shot across the bow. No, it is not a civilization ending event; rather a warning of possible things to come. We live in an age of alternative facts, fake news and spin. Viruses don't give a shit about markets, political fallout or popularity contests. They will continue to operate as they have since long before humans came on the scene. They are also equal opportunity killers. There is no concern for your bank account, fancy title or power. It as if Mother Nature is forcing us to look in the mirror at long last. What do we see?

A healthcare system who's main purpose is to make money may not be the best way to go. Research and Development goes into things that are profitable. Apparently preparing for a pandemic is not profitable. Where's the money in having extra masks or extra beds? Where is the money in being proactive? Where is the money in planning? Hey, that's the CDC's job! Oh, right we cut their funding. Going to work is literally putting your life at risk. Thank goodness for safety nets. Um, about that....

This is America damn it, we don't need no stinking safety nets! Having a safety net is not profitable. Follow the money. Is this the path for society towards a long term future? It looks like we are about to find out. A virus comes along and rattles markets to their core and bam, there is a two trillion $2,000,000,000,000 dollar stimulus on the table (mostly for those involved in such markets). So much for, "we are too broke for that." But the powers that be still say, "No, we cannot afford free college, a livable minimum wage or healthcare! We gotta rescue these markets!" The universe is collapsing. Oh, you may get a check for a thousand dollars and or a little unemployment money to get through a few weeks, you greedy bastards!  Meanwhile airlines get $26 billion and there is $17 billion for "National Security."And how about all that money we gave the Pentagon?

It looks like viruses could give a shit about our shiny fleet of aircraft carriers or stockpile of new and improved ICBM's. Why prepare to fight the enemy you cannot see? Out of sight out of mind. We have hollowed out our nation for a massive bloated military unprepared for fighting stealthy microbes. Our track record in war fighting is not much better. But we did win in Grenada. It is not completely useless. The military is proving useful for setting up hospitals and doing logistics. Let's hope we don't need them for crowd control. Tanks in the streets have a way of putting a damper on the prettiest spring day.

Just a few thoughts as we struggle through the Covid-19 Spring. Next, we'll look at some changes ahead.   


Monday, March 9, 2020

Democrats are Professional Losers

I heard Michael Moore once say this, "Democrats are professional losers." In light of recent events, I'd have to agree. Let me explain before you cast me off as a disgruntled Bernie Bro. There is no doubt in my mind the powers that be in the Democratic Party threw all of their weight (and I'm sure a few dollars as well) behind Joe Biden. Why? Bernie Sanders offers a more left stance on many major issues. For most of my lifetime we have drifted further right because our distinctly American Oligarchs want it that way. They have long paid the bills for our shit show attempt at democracy. Any small amount of democracy left was power-washed away with Citizens United. It is so bad companies pay for regulations they write to become law so they can go on TV and say we are regulated! The Democratic Party has been bought right along side their Republican friends. Remember when Republicans used to like things like good roads, schools and even Social Security? The pro-business party knew such things were necessary to keep an economy going. Now pro business means no regulations, no accountability and this quarter's bottom line. The democrats are much the same way but without the religious, homophobic, xenophobic science denying tendencies. Democrats pretend to be your friends while rummaging through your pockets to steal whatever is left.

We live in a time of grave, clear and present dangers. Climate change / ecological collapse, nuclear proliferation, a rising tide of nationalism / fascism. Yet we cower clinging to the familiar same ole politics of moderation and compromise. Which turns out to be neither. Was Obama's drone bombing really any more moderate than Trump's kids in cages? Was Hillary (I never met a war I did not like) Clinton the great compromise we needed in the face of Trump and his brand of self-worship and national nihilism? Yet here we are four years later with Joe Biden and his brand of moderation. "Hey Republican friends and banker / finance cronies, I want to cut Social Security too!" Yes, it's natural to fear change. But things are going to change.

Continuing down the path of business as usual is NOT sustainable. I think we have waited too long already and our inability to accept reality is going to hurt a lot more then it would have otherwise. Had we taken President Carter's example of putting solar panels on the White House and ran with it how far along a better road could we now be? But Nope. Democrats ran a moderate / compromise candidate and we got eight years of Ronnie RayGun! Bill Clinton and Barack Obama broke this pattern only reveled  to be status quo protectors while in office. Trump won because he was not in this club. (That's how his supporters see him to this day.) Oh, and a little thing called the Electoral College that can give the office to the candidate with the second most votes. You Go Greatest Democracy in the World! We are headed for a crash into the side of a granite mountain called reality. Instead of slowing down, we are accelerating. This is going to hurt.                         

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Trump is Gonna Trump

Well here we are on the verge of a worldwide pandemic. What's Emperor Donald going to do? Pass the buck to Vice President Mike "No Science" Pence. Yup, he put that guy in charge of our response. And Trump is going to tell us everything is under control with vaccines just around the corner. Of course thy are, right? Right. The dearly beloved stock market is taking a hit and this is all The Donald cares about. He measures himself according to this number which is another absurdity of American politics. Does the President actually have anything to do with the national or international economy? The economy runs in bust boom cycles no matter which clown car party is in the White House at the moment. Yet both parties take credit when little is due and blame the other when things are bad. Getting off topic... Maybe that rant another time. Microbes are an old foe. We are better at fighting them but never defeat them completely.

All the aircraft carriers, fighter planes and tanks are useless in a war with microbes. Bad microbes come around from time to time to change history. Ask the Europeans about The Black Plague or Native Americans about diseases of the old world. It is unlikely that Coronavirus will be anything like these two killers but it may still me a history changer. These things have to run their course and at best we can hope to slow them down some. It may change the outcome of an election or two if it disrupts the world economy. This is not a Hollywood Movie or Stephen King Novel so don't run off to your bunker just yet. Humanity has always faced deadly microbes and we are still here. Just maybe it will make us reconsider our priorities? Probably not. There is too much money in war machines and war making.

Trump is going to do what he does best finger point, blame others and stoke fears. We have the CDC and other related agencies for a reason. Were budget cuts a god idea really? Big Daddy Putin in Moscow has no answers. A bunch of "Yes" people is useless. Insert miracle is never a good answer to a scientific problem. Sorry if that offends you. That's not even the saddest part. What's even more sad is a full third of this country will follow him right off the cliff of science denial and economic delusions. Sooner or later such a leader faces his downfall. Trump will face his but what will be the cost to the rest of us in the meantime?                     

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Long Apocalypse

 William Gibson on the apocalypse: “it’s been happening for at least 100 years”

Are we living the apocalypse out? What if it is not one very bad day for humanity but rather an on going event? I guess we could adjust the start date a little, say the start of the First World War. That sets the stage for the next hundred years or so. Perhaps like markets, life is also self correcting? But with different time scales. Read the article and see what you think.   


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

We have nothing to fear but Words.

Immigrants, communists, socialists and terrorists are tried and true good old American words to whip up fears and stir hatreds. We have always had the old immigrants are gonna take our jobs and trash the neighborhood talk. After World War II Communists became public enemy number one. There were reds in every town and under our beds, including yours! Don't like somebody, call them a Commie and watch their career spin into the ground. Don't like a movement? Call it Communist and a threat to our Holiest of Holy, National Security. Reap the bloom of beatings, police brutality, bombings and assassinations. Real Communists murdered? Watch the killers go free! We recoil away from our darker selves choosing instead to hide away in a land of myth and make believe where soldiers defend our freedom from evil aggressors like the North Vietnamese, Panama, Grenada, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh wait, those last three were to fight terrorists and evil doers who hate us for our freedom. Hate us for our freedom? In what universe does that make any sense? Here more recently we have the latest scary word, Socialism.
Socialism according to Merriam Webster:

Definition of Socialism

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

Yup, sounds scary. Getting rid of private property changes everything. What, I cannot sell my house or plant a garden? Well that sucks! Let's look at a bigger picture. I can't discharge toxic waste into the stream running through the land my paper plant sits on? Sounds like old fashioned Communism to me! It is all in perspective. What exactly is "the state?" The state is supposed to be us, the people. Then along came Ronnie and Margaret in the '80's. The state was changed into nameless, faceless bureaucrats who were in our way and holding us back via over regulation. Ronnie and Margaret helped replace democracy with something seldom if ever mentioned in polite company or on prime time TV, Neoliberalism. Now we have a truly terrifying word and concept that almost no one ever talks about.      

Is Authoritarian Communism what Bernie supports? No, I don't think so. He supports something called Democratic Socialism. If you take a few minutes to read the linked information, you can see a clear difference. It goes something like this; people run things, not a handful of oligarchs. It is more Democratic. But those in power will stick to the scary socialism definition to discredit Bernie. The Cold war trained us to lump Socialism in with Authoritarian Communism (old Soviet Union).

We've already talked about terrorism. That's old news. The Donald and company now want us afraid if immigrant caravans coming to pick fruit and vegetables near you...