
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Living in Stories

We live in stories created by society, family and ourselves. All us Americans know we live in the land of the free and home of the brave. The land where our first President, the original George W. chopped down a cheery tree and then fessed up to the  crime. The people who survived the Great Depression and then fought fascism in World War II, you now know them as The Greatest Generation. The winners of the cold war watched as the Soviet Union  came crashing down. You get the idea. Each family also has stories as well full of vivid larger than life characters. I have crazy Uncle Chip, the bookie, and wild eyed Uncle Mike, the drifter. Both spawn stories to carry us through the longest, coldest and darkest of nights. Then there is Grandpa LaVack who lived the Greatest Generation life to the fullest. He went through the Great Depression, was almost killed at Pearl Harbor raised four sons after the war. Earning retirements from the US Navy and the State of California, he passed away comfortably in his own bed at the age of 91. I could fill a book with family stories as I'm sure you can as well. Then, there our our personal stories. At birth, the doctors said I'd never walk. I've walked across college campuses, around in many airports. I've walked in London, England, Varna and Sophia Bulgaria, Saigon and Hanoi, Vietnam. I've taken pee stops in states all across the Union for whatever that's worth.

In each and everyone of us there are countless stories. Listen closely to the stories others tell you. They will reveal themselves in many ways. I used to listen to stories at the Employment Office everyday. One Pakistani dude told me how his ship left him stranded in New York. In time, I came to see why. He was not the nicest person I met there but interesting in a sublime sorta way. Another cat fresh off of "Contracting" in the Middle East told me of his plans to move to the Dakotas, get a CDL and drive trucks in the then booming fracking industry. The dude had his act together. Then there were the criminals. Sadly, they never stop paying for their crimes. Finding life sustaining work is almost impossible and the rest of us wonder why recidivism rates are so high. Listening to stories was one of the coolest parts of the job. Yeah, stories are cool and all- so?

What does story telling have to do with Unpeople?

A lot. There are countess people and groups who's stories are ignored. The odd ball asking for money at the exit from I-40 to ?? has a story. A few people read the sign and give a little cash. I don't because another story I hear is they are not as needy as they seem. True or not, who knows? The high, homeless guy making me and my pal nervous years ago? I did not ask his story. Nope. The people who proudly display the rebel flag in the county south of here? No one cares to ask why. American Indians still living in soul-crushing poverty seldom make the national news for anything good or bad. Looking out beyond our borders, there are countless groups looking just for acknowledgement, chocolate slaves, laborers in Saudi Arabia and ship breakers. Let's not forget the world's shanty towns and city dump dwellers. These stories are just starting to get out. Let's hope they do. Nothing like sunshine to fix things.

There is more to stories.... Soon.



Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Three Options

So how do we change the game? There are a number of ways- violent, messy revolution quickly comes to mind. This is unpredictable and could make things even worse, not to mention all the dead people. So what else? Stop playing the game for awhile? Mass civil disobedience and stop voting could delegitimize the whole system. Then what? The power vacuum created fills with the worst types and then the real fun begins; ethnic cleansing, purging and mass murdering our way back to the 12th century! What is behind door number three? We improve our current system by getting money out of politics and turning the Democratic Party back into a real opposition party instead of the paid losers they are today. This is a long shot but less messy than the other two possibilities talked about here. I'm sure there are a lot of other possibilities out there but I'll focus on door # 3 for now.

Bernie Sanders. Yup, Bernie. If he gets the nomination (doubtful but we can hope), I think he could make inroads into that mostly untapped huge group of American voters, the non-voters. No, people don't skip the polls because they are lazy or don't give a damn. They skip the polls because there is no one worth voting for. Year in and year out, neither party has their interest at heart. People vote and nothing changes. Adding unlimited cash into the mix does not help. Can Bernie remain competitive without big money? Time will tell. If he wins and wins big, the Democratic leadership may finally get the message. We don't want to be in the "pretend to be opposition" party while actually favoring NAFTA like deals, drone bombing the shit out of people, easing banking regulations and massive military budgets. No, we want a party that helps rebuild our infrastructure and invests in our health and happiness.

Bernie is not perfect but he could be a big step in the right direction. Take a look where he stands on the issues and see what you think. Oh, where do we get the money? Fair tax and the bloated military budget are two good places to start.  Don't be afraid of words like "socialism." Those who talk of fear and taking us back to some golden age are seldom, if ever, friends.                

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Crime of Seperating Familes

This may not be the worst crime of our government but it is high on my list. Other than simple cruelty, there is no reason for it. Simply filing for residency or political asylum is a basic legal practice that in no way warrants children being pulled apart from their parents. It is catastrophically damaging for all involved. This should have never been a policy in the first place. As of this last July it was still going on. I doubt it has stopped completely. There is no system put in place to help these families unite (another act of criminality).

How do our border guards, tasked with upholding the law, live with themselves? Some are no doubt parents and all were children. For a good job? Really? I cannot do a job that will damage my soul. Given 45's joy for pardoning war criminals, I doubt any will ever see justice. These things do not happen in a vacuum. This is long term damage that cannot be repaired. And yet there are still dumb asses out there asking why the world hates us? History will not be kind to what The United States has become.    

       But don't take my word for it. Consider the following...

See also: Genocide
                War under false pretenses
                War Crimes
                Pardoning war criminals
                Overthrow of Democratically Elected Governments for Profit
                Supporting despotic regimes for profit  

                A number of more crimes both known and unknown.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Some Good News!

So there is Chris Hedges on our decline and collapse. But there is hope. Consider this-

Steven Pinker - "Enlightenment Now..." 

The world is still getting better overall. Will we keep getting better or will we go backward?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Democrats are NOT your friends.

Chris Hedges can explain it better than I can. Take time to listen to the interview linked above. He thinks we are past the point of being able to fix the system regardless of the political party in power. If I understand him correctly, our only hope is Hong Kong style massive protests all across the country. Shut shit down. Our recent track record on protesting is not encouraging. I hope there is another way, Bernie.  

The Democrats traded in the working class for the bankers and hedge fund types. The Republicans did the same a long time ago and have gone totally insane, trading in voters for xenophobes, religious / gun nuts and even Nazis. Remember people died for child labor laws, safer work places and fighting Nazis. The Left is now dead on arrival. Can we rebuild? It can start with Bernie. But he cannot do it alone. He needs more leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the House and Senate.  

The destruction we are headed for now will make those left alive long for the last century when the dead could only be counted in millions.