Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Forsaken Values... Save One

I'm writing as a Leftist. The problem with Liberals is that they think our system can be saved. It cannot. Our political system as it exists now, cannot even begin to cope with the problems of climate change, income inequality (think globally), nuclear weapons proliferation, rising nationalism and a host of other critical issues I'm forgetting right now. I agree with Chris Hedges' Et Tu, Bernie for the most part. I think Bernie is still a part of our imperialist system. But maybe I'm wrong. I see the Democratic Party as hopelessly corrupted by Wall Street money and beyond reform. I'm hopeful we are witnessing the slow suicide of the even worse Republican Party. Time will tell. I'm into solutions. Anyone can make a sign and go protest. That is a good thing but have an answer when asked, "What do you propose?" But before proposing solutions, let's look at what's wrong.

Our forsaken values:

"All men are created equal." Set aside the sexist problem with this for a second. This has never been true here in the United States. Yes, we had the Civil Rights Movement. We have cut back on the blatant open racism of the past for what appears to be a kinder gentler form of racism. It is not. Racism is alive and indeed flourishing here. Cops gun down unarmed African Americans with impunity. There is the gender pay gap. Women are not paid equally for equal work. PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. There are a number of inequalities and it would provide for almost limitless posting. I think you get the idea.      

"One person, one Vote." Voter suppression has in practice from the beginning and is still going on to this day. Slowly, as more and more people have gained the right to vote, the elites who run the show have had to come up with new ways to control things. Politicians now pick the voters and not the other way around. And to become a successful politician takes funding, more funding the higher you go. Our so called choice is most of the time between two parties who mirror each other on so many issues. I agree, the Democrats are just a little saner but they are basically on the same payroll. Until we figure out how to separate money from politics, I see little chance for real change for the better.
"Trial by Jury." Beyond the realm of TV, this is no longer a reality for most facing charges. Many charged with crimes are coerced into taking a plea bargain. Then throw in "for profit prisons" and it is easy to see why so many see our justice system as anything but just. Once you are out, good luck trying to find meaningful, well-paying work. The justice system is overwhelmed and cannot cope with the sheer volume of cases. Things like the so called war on drugs and the criminalisation of poverty are not helping.

It is also not helpful that we have a two tiered justice system; one for the poor and one for the rich. Both justice and politics are for sale here. This is a whole topic for another time. Let's get back on track. 

"Freedom of speech" This one works really well until whatever you are saying is heard by enough people and you are upsetting those in power. It was not long after MLK started talking about poverty here he was assassinated. Further down the road when the Occupy Movement started to change the national dialogue, the media was quick to turn on the discrediting machine. Occupiers were dismissed as freeloaders wanting free stiff.  No, read for yourself.  

"Judaeo Christian Values" This country is anything but Christian (as I understand it anyway). We view compassion as weakness, humility as vanity and forgiveness as quaint. And we are all about the value of life unless you are the wrong color or the wrong creed. Taking care of the poor? Let's drug test them. Let's kick them out of healthcare. Lets make them criminals. 

Save one you ask?

Pursuit of Happiness. Get as rich as you can as fast as you can! Clean air in the way of profit? Who needs clean air? Climate change crimping your bottom line? Deny it. Want to make mountains into money? Go right ahead! Afraid of school shootings leading to profit loss through regulation? You too can buy a legislature!