Monday, September 25, 2017

Well Said

On to different stuff soon. 

Flags and other Distractions

Pretty isn't it? So a lot stuff about NFL players not standing for the National Anthem lately. The president is getting all huffy about it (as if he has no other worries). Approval ratings you ask?  And there's the other great distraction of our time, North Korea. I was always taught the above image stands for freedom, including the right to protest that what you think is wrong. "I disagree with what you are saying but I will give my life for your right to say it." - From the French Revolution, I think. Feel free to correct me. It seems utterly lost now among so many. This is distraction one.

The guy running North Korea now has some pretty mean toys. All in the last decade or so, no doubt a worry. But they have not been in a war since 1953. His role is to stir the pot of war much for the consumption of his own population. How else can he cling to power? Most likely, he's a threat to no one but his own poor, starved people. But that's not the message of the American Government. We gotta do something! The mad man must be stopped! Lions and tigers and bears, threats everywhere! Distraction number two.

Keep your eye on the ball. US Military Budget 824.6 Billion !! 
                                            Climate change denial

Edit: Well, we dodged Trumpcare for now!