What are we seeing with the Occupy events springing up around the country? I went to one close by here in Greensboro to check it out. It was late afternoon an there were few people there. I do plan to go back because I like the feel of it and agree there are a lot of problems in the world that will require major structural changes to resolve. It is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue. I find them both to be the problem and not a part of any solution. My older lefty friends say we HAVE to vote for Obama! Heaven forbid one of those lunatic Republicans get in there. (More on them soon) No, we have to delegitimize the entire system. Stop participating! Pay off (or not) and get rid of the credit cards. Banks make money on every transaction! Don't finance shit you do not have to have. Renting wheels, please... Turn off the TV. Cut the fantasy already.
Let's cut through the BS.
You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand this is NOT a good trend. Soon, we too will join most third world countries wit a tiny group of super rich and masses of poor.
Need I say more. It speaks for itself.
Trickle down my big black ass! And I'm a white dude.
Health care? Our "For profit" system is killing us literally. But don't take my word for it click here. Someone between jobs gets seriously sick and goes to the hospital and then looses their home. Why are we not asking why can occur? No, we don't ask such uncomfortable here. Instead, we pass "reform" that gives insurance companies 30+ million more customers. Now you tell me, who runs this country? To those who cheered during one of the recent debates when the Blitzer shill asked if the uninsured should be allowed to die, I think you are a disgrace to your party, country and religion. This is not a football game. Real flesh and blood people are dying and you... cheer.
Now the cops are cracking down on Occupy Wall Street all over the country. Free Speech, yeah sure... Who runs this country?
And pleas stop listening to idiots on TV talking about OWS. Here's a bold idea, read about it yourself from the source. If you think as I think, if you feel as I feel Get involved.