When applying for a job the email you use says a lot about you. All of the best qualifications in the world will not get you by if anything like the above is on your resume. Employers are being overwhelmed now and have to look for anything to trim down the number of applicants they want to talk to. Some may think such emails might be cool, true or fun but to an employer they may show immaturity, vanity or worse- stupidity. It is a small and seemingly unimportant detail but one that can cost a lot in the long run. For looking for a job, use your name and not something that a 5Th grader would make up.
The same goes for the music you pick to ring on your cell phone. If there are a ton of good applicants, rap, metal and country are a few ways to narrow the field. If somebody has to sit through music to leave a message and they do not share the same appreciation of death metal, there is a good chance your voice mail will remain eternally empty.
The same is true for voice mails. If you read the first two paragraphs by now you got the idea....